The main goal of this project is to cluster and range submissions from the Hyperskill platform The baseline will be based on an approach with a graph of solutions. We will use transformations of the source code to unify student submissions. Next, we will find the difference between them and highlit the clusters. The first ranking version will be based on simple heuristics.
IJ code server (code-submissions-clustering-ij) is responsible for unification and distance calculation that require working with Program Structure Interface (PSI).
To set up IJ code server configuration, specify servers' ports and programming language in code-submissions-clustering-ij/src/main/resources/server-config.json
"servers": [
"port": 8000,
"language": "PYTHON"
and transformations to run in code-submissions-clustering-ij/src/main/resources/transformations-config.json
"repeatingTransformations": [
"singleTransformations": [
Then make sure that you have Docker installed and build docker image: Build IJ server docker image
OR run the following command from the project root:
docker build -t ij-server:latest -f code-submissions-clustering-ij/Dockerfile .
Finally, start servers using Python script: from the root of scripts
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python3 -m src.server.start_ij_servers
The script will indicate when all configured IJ servers are ready to listen.
Optionally, you can specify a path to the server config and save logs from the server to the specified directory:
python3 -m src.server.start_ij_servers --config=</path/to/config/file> --logs_dir=</path/to/logs/dir>
After the servers have started, configure and run Run cluster command
run configuration to cluster submissions.
Argument | Description |
inputFile | Input .csv file with code submissions |
distanceLimit | Max distance between two vertices inside one cluster |
outputDir | Directory to store all output files |
language | Programming language of code submissions |
Argument | Description |
--binaryInput=[DIR] | Directory storing previously serialized graph (containing graph.bin and clusters.bin ) |
--serialize | Save submissions graph and its clustered structure to binary files (/serialization folder) |
--saveCSV | Save unified solutions to .csv file (graph.csv ) |
--visualize | Save submissions graph and its clustered structure visualization to .png files (/visualization folder). Requires Graphviz installation |
--saveClusters | Save submissions graph clusters to .txt file (/txt/clusters.txt ) |
--clusteringResult | Save the result of clustering to .csv.gz file (clustering.csv.gz ) |
To cluster code submissions from .csv file and save clustering result to .csv.gz file use clusteringResult
./gradlew run --args="cluster </path/to/submissions.csv> <distance limit> --outputDir=</path/to/output/dir> --language=PYTHON --clusteringResult"
To serialize resulting graph and its current clustered structure for future use add serialize
./gradlew run --args="cluster </path/to/submissions.csv> <distance limit> --outputDir=</path/to/output/dir> --language=PYTHON --serialize"
You can then use preprocessed data from previous serialization for new clustering using binaryInput
./gradlew run --args="cluster </path/to/submissions.csv> <distance limit> --outputDir=</path/to/output/dir> --language=PYTHON --binaryInput=</path/to/serialization>
Clustering result constructed with --clusteringResult
flag stores dataframe containing:
Column | Description |
submission_id | Id of code submission. |
cluster_id | Id of cluster containing the submission. Cluster ids are unique within a step, indexing begins from 0. |
position | Position of the submission within the cluster according to the quality of code. Indexing begins from 0. |
Records are sorted by submission_id
An example of clustering result:
submission_id | cluster_id | position |
55931834 | 1 | 0 |
55960731 | 2 | 0 |
55984329 | 0 | 0 |
56095922 | 0 | 1 |
56102714 | 2 | 1 |
56105930 | 0 | 2 |
56105969 | 0 | 3 |
56107617 | 0 | 4 |
56117553 | 2 | 2 |
56123571 | 0 | 5 |
56133878 | 0 | 6 |
56156455 | 2 | 3 |