This repository permit to you some information about the game "Heatchain"
learn more about the game on :
- Steam :
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- Android :
- Discord :
I try to have as many translations as possible for the game. If I messed a translation, or a language is missing, you can create an issue/merge on the translate.json file
All resource not created by Hyultis, are inside
All rust library used are inside Cargo.toml
Some shortcut are available if needed :
F1 = Debug information
F2 = swap between fullscreen/window
you can modify the configuration inside /config/config.json
"lang" : allow to change the lang between these value : en,fr,it,es,de,pt,ru,hi,ja,ko,zh,ar (more can be added latter)
"sound" : allow to modify volume (value are not bounded, so be carefull)
"window/type" : 0 = bordeless, 1 = windowed
"system/swapchain/fpslimiter" : fps maximum (0 for no limit)
"system/swapchain/presentmode" : "Fifo" by default (vsync), "Immediate" or "Mailbox" to disable vsync (beware this is dependant of your system, the game will fallback to "Fifo" is the value is not supported by your GPU)