Splitiphy is a Modern Full Stack Web Application that allows users to easily split bills with friends and family. It is built with Next JS, Tailwind CSS, and Drizzle.
✅ [Live] [https://splitiphy.vercel.app/] 😊
Following steps are required to run the application:
Open Terminal
Clone Splitiphy Repository
git clone https://github.com/iamsomraj/splitiphy.git
- Go to Root Directory of the Project
cd splitiphy
- Setup Environment Variables
To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env
- Clerk Publishable Key -
- Clerk Secret Key -
- Database URL -
Install Dependencies
pnpm install
- Run the Application
pnpm run dev
LinkedIn : iamsomraj 😊
Portfolio: Somraj Mukherjee 😊
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