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Simulation of a tumor growth model based on the Fisher-Kolmogrov equation.

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Dolfin Fisher Solver

The following code was written in the scope of a Bachelor Thesis to simulate tumor growth with the open-source library FEniCS.

Setup and Use

Installation requirements

Following packages have been used during developement of this software:

Ubuntu (18.04): OS
GCC (6.3.0): Compiler
CMake (minimum 3.5): Helps with compilation process
FEniCS (2019.1): Automated solution of Differential Equations (Installation guide)
OpenMPI (3.0.1): Library for distributed computing, is integrated in FEniCS

Build FisherSolver

Follow these instructions to build FisherSolver executable:

  1. clone this repo to machine
  2. make sure all requirements are installed and set-up
  • Euler: To build and run the simulation on the Euler cluster, load modules via the commands:
    module load gcc/6.3.0 cmake/3.15.3 openmpi/3.0.1 fenics/2019.1.0
  • local: See the installation requirements
  1. in DolfinFisherSolver parent folder, create missing directories:
    mkdir DolfinFisherSolver/build && mkdir output && mkdir Performance/src/build && mkdir Performance/output && mkdir ParameterInference/runs
  2. Compile executable:
  • Euler: cd DolfinFisherSolver && ./ && cd build && make
  • local: cd DolfinFisherSolver/build && cmake .. && make


Use the script /DolfinFisherSolver/ to generate the CMake files, then use make as usual in the build folder. The mesh partitioner of the Scotch library has a bug and is not working when the mesh reaches a certain number of elements, a fixed version of dolfin must be used. Source it with source $HOME/usr/
If the correct version of dolfin is used can be check with: ldd FisherSolver | grep dolfin
The mesh partitioner still tends to get stuck some times. From experience if the ratio of MPI Ranks / Mesh elements is to small, but this is only an indicator it works fine some times even with a small ratio.

Run FisherSolver

After building, the executable should be in /bin.
The simulation is run via the script "". All the default simulation parameters are read-in from the "FisherSolver.config" file. If some of the parameters in the "FisherSolver.config" file are deleted or instantiated with unfeasible values, the behavior is undefined. There is the possibility to overwrite some values via command line parameters. The best is to take a quick look into "" to know what can be done.

The provided /mesh folder is used as standart path for mesh files. This can be changed in "FisherSolver.config" and "runFisherSolver" files. For the thesis I generated small, medium and high resolution meshes of the left half of the convex hull of the brain. Please contact me for the meshes, I cannot guarantee it works with other meshes.
Compatible formats are "h5" and "xml" , but it is recommended from the FEniCS community to use "h5".
The "" script can be used to transform .xml meshes to .h5 meshes. It takes the xml mesh name, for example "test-mesh.xml" as command line parameter and creates an .h5 version of the mesh with the name "test-mesh.h5"

The coefficient values are mapped onto the mesh from tissue data of the BrainWeb Database (grey and white). The two dataset must be downloaded and put into the /brain-data/brainweb/ folder.

The output of a simulation is written to /output folder. Running a simulation creates following output:

  1. INFO file summing up the simulation parameters. If the simulation is completet successfully, the runtime is also included.
  2. CSV file of the iteration data, including time elapsed during a specific iteration, residuals and iteration counts of the Newton and Krylov solvers, etc.
  3. A folder holding the generated PVD output files for post-processing

Further development

The simulation solves a partial differential equation problem in variational form. To evolve the tumor in time this is done by solving the problem for many timesteps. The time stepping mechanism is implemented in the Timestepper. If you want to work on an own problem, create a class inheriting the ProblemSolverContainer to be able to use the Timestepper. What is solved in the problem, or how, is left to you.
The RuntimeTracker can be used to store data gathered in a time step, such as Residuals or Iteration counts in this case. What exact data you want to store is left to you, just pass a formatting string to the RuntimeTracker instance.
Make sure to check out the code on your own, you'll get what I explained here :)


Simulation of a tumor growth model based on the Fisher-Kolmogrov equation.






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