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Add laptop efficiency testing script
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lilith committed Dec 11, 2024
1 parent 2481b9d commit 3112c23
Showing 1 changed file with 310 additions and 0 deletions.
310 changes: 310 additions & 0 deletions rust_perf_battery.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
Continuously runs `cargo clean` followed by `cargo build` in a loop.
Logs comprehensive performance and battery statistics per iteration.
- Runs a self-test before starting. If self-test fails, prints error and exits.
- On start, prints initial line with date/time, battery, mode, etc.
- For each iteration (called a "run"):
* Executes cargo clean and cargo build
* Measures times and increments counters
* Sleeps a configured interval
* Tracks stats per power-mode combination:
- Total mode time
- Total build/clean times
- Build count
* Calculates ratios:
- Builds per % battery drop
- Build time per % battery drop
- Wall time per % battery drop
* Prints a multi-line summary for each iteration:
1) Overall line (date/time, run #, mode, battery, total times)
2) Indented line with sleep info and last build output
3) One indented line per mode with detailed stats and ratios
- On command failure, prints the error output and stops.
Time formats:
- Display time: "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:sss" (with 's' appended at the end)
- File names: "yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss"
- Time spans: "HH:MM:SSs" for total times
- Averages and ratios in seconds (with one decimal place if needed).
"Other" time = total script runtime - (build+clean+sleep).
Requires PowerShell 5.1+ and `cargo` in PATH.
Assumes the current directory has a Cargo project (Cargo.toml).


Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'

# Configuration
$PauseBetweenRuns = 10 # seconds to sleep between each iteration

# Formats
$logTimeFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss" # for file names
$displayTimeFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" # for printed lines
[DateTime]$GlobalScriptStart = Get-Date
[string]$ScriptStartTime = (Get-Date -Format $logTimeFormat)
[string]$FullLogPath = Join-Path (Get-Location) ("rust_perf_battery_full_$ScriptStartTime.log")
[string]$SummaryLogPath = Join-Path (Get-Location) ("rust_perf_battery_summary_$ScriptStartTime.log")

# Track global stats
$CompileCount = 0
$StopLoop = $false
[TimeSpan]$TotalBuildTime = [TimeSpan]::Zero
[TimeSpan]$TotalCleanTime = [TimeSpan]::Zero
[TimeSpan]$TotalSleepTime = [TimeSpan]::Zero

# Mode stats: Dictionary<string,PSObject>
# Each value: { Mode, TotalModeTime, TotalBuildTime, TotalCleanTime, BuildCount }
$ModeStats = [System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string, object]]::new()

function Ensure-ModeStats($mode) {
if (-not $ModeStats.ContainsKey($mode)) {
$ModeStats[$mode] = [PSCustomObject]@{
Mode = $mode
TotalModeTime = [TimeSpan]::Zero
TotalBuildTime = [TimeSpan]::Zero
TotalCleanTime = [TimeSpan]::Zero
BuildCount = 0

function Get-PowerSchemeName {
$output = powercfg /getactivescheme 2>$null
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0 -or [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($output)) {
throw "Unable to retrieve power scheme name."

if ($output -match '\((?<SchemeName>[^)]+)\)') {
return ($Matches['SchemeName'].Trim())
} else {
throw "No scheme name found in powercfg output."

function Get-BatteryStatus {
$batt = Get-CimInstance Win32_Battery -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if (-not $batt) {
return [PSCustomObject]@{
HasBattery = $false
BatteryPercent = 100
OnAC = $true
BatteryStatus = "NoBattery"

$statusCode = [int]$batt.BatteryStatus
$percent = [int]$batt.EstimatedChargeRemaining
$onAC = $true
if ($statusCode -eq 1 -or $statusCode -eq 4 -or $statusCode -eq 5) {
$onAC = $false

return [PSCustomObject]@{
HasBattery = $true
BatteryPercent = $percent
OnAC = $onAC
BatteryStatus = $statusCode

function Get-CurrentEnergyMode {
$schemeName = Get-PowerSchemeName
$battery = Get-BatteryStatus
$powerSource = if ($battery.OnAC) { "ac" } else { "battery" }
$modeName = ($schemeName -replace '\s+', '-').ToLower()
return "$powerSource-$modeName"

function Format-ShortTime($ts) {
# Format as HH:MM:SSs
"{0:00}:{1:00}:{2:00}s" -f [int]$ts.TotalHours, $ts.Minutes, $ts.Seconds

function Self-Test {
try {
$mode = Get-CurrentEnergyMode
# Just test we can add to mode stats without error
$ModeStats[$mode].TotalModeTime += (New-TimeSpan -Seconds 5)
} catch {
Write-Host "Self-test failed: $($_.Exception.Message)"
exit 1

function Run-CargoClean {
$start = Get-Date
$output = & cargo clean 2>&1
$elapsed = (Get-Date) - $start
return [PSCustomObject]@{
Output = $output
Success = ($exit -eq 0)
Elapsed = $elapsed

function Run-CargoBuild {
$start = Get-Date
$output = & cargo build 2>&1
$elapsed = (Get-Date) - $start
return [PSCustomObject]@{
Output = $output
Success = ($exit -eq 0)
Elapsed = $elapsed

function Write-Logs {
Add-Content -Path $FullLogPath -Value $FullOutput
Add-Content -Path $FullLogPath -Value $SummaryLine
Add-Content -Path $SummaryLogPath -Value $SummaryLine

# Run self-test

# Clear mode stats since we tested adding time

# Now that functions are defined, we can read initial battery
$InitialBatteryPercent = (Get-BatteryStatus).BatteryPercent

# Print initial lines
$battery = Get-BatteryStatus
$initMode = Get-CurrentEnergyMode
$currentTimestamp = (Get-Date -Format $displayTimeFormat) + "s"

$initialLine = "$currentTimestamp battery=$($battery.BatteryPercent)% mode=$initMode"
Write-Host $initialLine

$logLine = "Logs: $(Split-Path $FullLogPath -Leaf), $(Split-Path $SummaryLogPath -Leaf)"
Write-Host $logLine

while (-not $StopLoop) {
$iterationStart = Get-Date
$CurrentEnergyMode = Get-CurrentEnergyMode

# Clean
$cleanResult = Run-CargoClean
if (-not $cleanResult.Success) {
Write-Host "cargo clean failed, output:"
$cleanResult.Output | Write-Host
$StopLoop = $true

# Build
$buildResult = Run-CargoBuild
if (-not $buildResult.Success) {
Write-Host "cargo build failed, output:"
$buildResult.Output | Write-Host
$StopLoop = $true

$iterationElapsed = (Get-Date) - $iterationStart

# Update global stats
$TotalCleanTime += $cleanResult.Elapsed
$TotalBuildTime += $buildResult.Elapsed

# Update mode stats
$ModeStats[$CurrentEnergyMode].TotalModeTime += $iterationElapsed
$ModeStats[$CurrentEnergyMode].TotalBuildTime += $buildResult.Elapsed
$ModeStats[$CurrentEnergyMode].TotalCleanTime += $cleanResult.Elapsed
$ModeStats[$CurrentEnergyMode].BuildCount += 1

$batt = Get-BatteryStatus

# Extract last build line safely
$buildLineObj = $buildResult.Output | Select-Object -Last 1
$lastBuildLine = if ($buildLineObj) { [string]$buildLineObj } else { "" }
$lastBuildLine = $lastBuildLine.Trim()

# Sleep between runs
$sleepStart = Get-Date
Start-Sleep -Seconds $PauseBetweenRuns
$sleepElapsed = (Get-Date) - $sleepStart
$TotalSleepTime += $sleepElapsed

# Compute metrics
$totalElapsed = (Get-Date) - $GlobalScriptStart
$otherTime = $totalElapsed - ($TotalBuildTime + $TotalCleanTime + $TotalSleepTime)

$totalBuildStr = Format-ShortTime $TotalBuildTime
$totalCleanStr = Format-ShortTime $TotalCleanTime
$totalSleepStr = Format-ShortTime $TotalSleepTime
$otherTimeStr = Format-ShortTime $otherTime

$batteryDrop = $InitialBatteryPercent - $batt.BatteryPercent
$batteryDropFloat = [double]$batteryDrop
$currentTimestamp = (Get-Date -Format $displayTimeFormat) + "s"
$runCountStr = "{0:000}" -f $CompileCount

# Overall line
$overallLine = "$currentTimestamp, run $runCountStr, $CurrentEnergyMode, battery $($batt.BatteryPercent)%, total build $totalBuildStr, clean $totalCleanStr, sleep $totalSleepStr"
Write-Host $overallLine

# Second line
$secondLine = " Sleeping ${PauseBetweenRuns}s between builds. $lastBuildLine"
Write-Host $secondLine

# Mode lines with ratios
foreach ($modeKey in $ModeStats.Keys) {
$m = $ModeStats[$modeKey]
# avg build/clean time
$avgBuild = "N/A"
$avgClean = "N/A"
if ($m.BuildCount -gt 0) {
$avgBuildSec = $m.TotalBuildTime.TotalSeconds / $m.BuildCount
$avgBuild = ("{0:F1}s" -f $avgBuildSec)
$avgCleanSec = $m.TotalCleanTime.TotalSeconds / $m.BuildCount
$avgClean = ("{0:F1}s" -f $avgCleanSec)

$buildsPerDrop = "N/A"
$buildTimePerDrop = "N/A"
$wallPerDrop = "N/A"
if ($batteryDropFloat -gt 0) {
$buildsPerDropVal = $m.BuildCount / $batteryDropFloat
$buildsPerDrop = ("{0:F2}" -f $buildsPerDropVal)

$buildTimePerDropVal = $m.TotalBuildTime.TotalSeconds / $batteryDropFloat
$buildTimePerDrop = ("{0:F0}s" -f $buildTimePerDropVal)

$wallPerDropVal = $m.TotalModeTime.TotalSeconds / $batteryDropFloat
$wallPerDrop = ("{0:F0}s" -f $wallPerDropVal)

$modeLine = " On $($m.Mode) for $(Format-ShortTime $m.TotalModeTime), avg build $avgBuild, avg clean $avgClean, builds per % drop: $buildsPerDrop, build time per %: $buildTimePerDrop, wall per %: $wallPerDrop"
Write-Host $modeLine

$fullOutput = "=== Iteration $CompileCount ===`r`n" +
"--- Cargo clean output ---`r`n" + ($cleanResult.Output -join "`r`n") + "`r`n" +
"--- Cargo build output ---`r`n" + ($buildResult.Output -join "`r`n") + "`r`n"

# For logs, just write the overall line as summary
Write-Logs -FullOutput $fullOutput -SummaryLine $overallLine

Write-Host "Script ended."

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