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Releases: inbo/INBOmd

Release v0.6.3

12 Jan 14:47
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INBOmd 0.6.3

  • pdf_report() enforces pandoc >= 3.1.8
  • create_report() fixed (#97)

Release v0.6.2

29 Nov 15:20
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INBOmd 0.6.2

  • pdf_report(), gitbook() and epub_book() gain an option to create
    internal reports with a different colophon.
  • pdf_report() and gitbook() gain a watermark argument.
    It adds a text watermark in the margin of every page.
    An automatic watermark appears when one of the required colophon fields is
    Adding the information for all required colophon fields will remove this
    automatic watermark.
  • All INBO personnel must display proper affiliation and ORCID.
  • Bugfixes

Version 0.6.0

05 Jul 07:49
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Breaking changes

  • Author and reviewer information must be given in an explicit format with
    mandatory name with mandatory sub-fields given and family.
    corresponding: true indicates the corresponding author.
    email is optional, except for the corresponding author.
    orcid is optional for all persons.

Other changes

  • Add create_report() to interactively create an empty report.
  • Add add_report_numbers() to add the DOI, report number, ... to an existing
  • Add add_author() to interactively add an author to an existing report.
  • Add validate_doi() to validate a DOI.
    pdf_report(), gitbook() and epub_book() use this function to validate
    the optional DOI when set.

Release v0.5.2

11 Jan 12:54
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# INBOmd 0.5.2

* Templates now mention url '' instead of
  '' or ''.
* Bug fix website 'inbomd_examples'.
* `gitbook()` uses the same reference title for chapter bibliografies as the
  main bibliography.
* `references()` takes `lang` into account for HTML formats.
* Bugfix in Dockerfile.

Release v0.5.1

21 Oct 08:10
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# INBOmd 0.5.1

* Add language french for style Flanders

Release v0.5.0

04 Sep 15:18
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# INBOmd 0.5.0

## Breaking changes

* Every output format has now its dedicated function using the English name.
  We no longer use prefixes.
  The YAML options are now uniform across the output formats.
  Please have a look at the documentation of the output format to find a list
  with the available options.
  Below is the list of the old output formats and their new name.
* `bookdown::pdf_book` with `INBOmd::inbo_rapport` -> `INBOmd::report`
* `bookdown::gitbook` -> `INBOmd::gitbook`
* `bookdown::epub_book` -> `INBOmd::ebook`
* `bookdown::pdf_book` with `INBOmd::inbo_slides` ->
  `INBOmd::slides` for the presentation, `INBOmd::handouts` for handouts,
  `INBOmd::report` for handouts with lots of R code and output (useful for
  R tutorials and courses)

## User visible changes

* Use pandoc to render citations with `report()` on pdf instead of natbib
  (#63, @ThierryO).
* `report()` supports custom languages when using `style = "Flanders"`
  (#64, @ThierryO).
* Update CSL style to most recent version (#63, @florisvdh).
* Add colophon to reports in pdf, gitbook and epub formats.
* Rendering the pdf reports generates a `cover.txt`.
  This files contains the required information to create the cover page.
* New function `references()` allows to define the location where to insert
  the bibliography.
  The optional appendix starts after the bibliography.
* `slides()` generates a visible table of content (#66).
* Update the `report()` RMarkdown [template](
  It contains all available options in the YAML header.
* Add a new template for a non-Dutch report with English as default language.
* Reports use Calibri as default font.
* Gitbook reports gains a thumbnail of the report on top of the table of content
  when the user provides a cover image.
* Gitbook and epub formats gain an English variant.

## Internal changes

* Setup quality assurrance using [checklist](

Version 0.4.6

19 Jul 11:44
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  • slides gains a logo argument
  • add report templates with Flemish corporate identity in Dutch and English
  • update Flanders Art font


24 Apr 09:52
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Report style 2018


08 Dec 08:18
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This version handles reports with UTF-8 characters correctly

Version 0.4.1

13 Aug 17:46
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Merge pull request #35 from inbo/no_eps

Convert eps files to pdf