- Prefer sfbs on index fingers
- Prefer low sfs over sfbs because the latter can be alted more easily
- Having hjkl in natural positions
- angle modded for row staggered (aka standard) keyboards
- same hand h/j/k/l (k is technically on the right hand, but next to j)
- sfbs are very alt-fingerable
- low SFS (4.74% vs kuntem 4.87% on shai)
- high rolls, especially inrolls
/ u o f k j b m l p
e i a s ' c h t r n .
, ; v y z g d w x q
Alt: 31.15%
Rol: 43.07% (In/Out: 27.37% | 15.69%)
One: 1.32% (In/Out: 0.37% | 0.95%)
Rtl: 44.39% (In/Out: 27.75% | 16.64%)
Red: 3.88% (Bad: 0.30%)
SFB: 1.83%
SFS: 4.74% (Red/Alt: 0.94% | 3.80%)
LH/RH: 51.23% | 48.77%
ch 0.482% -> altable
gh 0.235% -> altable
's 0.150% -> altable
ui 0.104%
ys 0.103% -> altable
n. 0.092%
rl 0.074%
oa 0.072%
ks 0.072% -> altable
tw 0.068%
>>> 1.83 - 0.482 - 0.235 - 0.150 - 0.103 - 0.072
Kenshin is my first published layout, when I was still chasing stats (sfbs, sfs). But it is quite imbalanced in that the vowel hand has too much responsibility. ("because" is almost typed in the same hand, and "goes", just to illustrate)
' u o w z j k m l b
e i a s y p h t r n .
, ; c g / d f v x q
Alt: 32.67%
Rol: 42.69% (In/Out: 27.12% | 15.57%)
One: 1.59% (In/Out: 0.41% | 1.19%)
Rtl: 44.28% (In/Out: 27.53% | 16.76%)
Red: 3.90% (Bad: 0.19%)
SFB: 1.14%
SFS: 4.71% (Red/Alt: 1.59% | 3.12%)
LH/RH: 54.17% | 45.83%