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Switchman is an ActiveRecord extension for sharding your database. Key features include:

  • Integration with the GuardRail gem for primary/secondary/deploy environments
  • Creation of shards on the fly
  • Multiple shard "categories"
  • Support for cross-shard references in associations (and even multi-shard associations)
  • Hooking of ActiveRecord querying infrastructure to automatically infer the correct shard to execute the query on, and to perform necessary translations of foreign keys
  • Support multiple shards on the same database server (using Schemas on PostgreSQL)
  • Primarily supports PostgreSQL, but MySQL should work. Please report any bugs on MySQL!


  • Ruby 2.4+
  • Rails 5.1+


  1. Add gem 'switchman' to your Gemfile
  2. Run bundle install from your project's root
  3. Run rake switchman:install:migrations to copy over the migration files from Switchman to your application


With Switchman, database servers are defined in database.yml, and shards are defined in a table on the "default" shard. The default shard is the database that is defined by the test/development/production block in database.yml.

Example database.yml file:

  adapter: postgresql
  host: db1

  adapter: postgresql
  host: db2

To create a new shard, you find the database server, and call create_new_shard:

>>> s = Switchman::Shard.default.database_server.create_new_shard
>>> s = Switchman::DatabaseServer.find('cluster2').create_new_shard

If you want to execute custom SQL upon new shard creation (i.e. to preset default permissions), you need to set Switchman.config[:create_statement], and any instances of %{name} and %{password} will be replaced with relevant values:

>>> Switchman.config[:create_statement] = <<-SQL
  CREATE SCHEMA %{name};
  CREATE ROLE %{name} LOGIN %{password};
  GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA %{name} TO readwrite;

If there is no create_statement in the config, Switchman will create a suitable one for your database to just create a new schema (Postgres) or database (MySQL).

To start reading/writing data on a shard, you need to activate it:

>>> s.activate { User.create }


Each shard has a shard id, the primary key in the switchman_shards table. This shard id is used so that data in one shard can reference data in another shard. It does this by adding the shard id multiplied by 10 trillion to the id of the item in that shard. This is called the "global id". For example, a user in shard 1 with a "local id" of 1 has a global id of 10000000000001. This way, we can determine what shard any given id is on by doing some math (either a specific shard, or the "current" shard if it's less than 10 trillion). For convenience purposes, most Switchman methods also understand "short global ids", which is simply the shard id, a tilde, and then the local id (1~1).

Also, a foreign key can reference an object in a different shard by using its global id. Because of this, all foreign (and primary!) keys in the database should be 64-bit integers. Assuming that the database uses signed integers, so that we have 63 rather than 64 bits to use for the ids, you have (2^63)/(10 trillion)=922,337 shards available.

Vertical Sharding

Vertical sharding lets you activate different shards for different purposes at the same time. There are two special classes. A model inheriting from Switchman::UnshardedRecord always lives on the default shard. An example of this is the switchman_shards table itself - there is only one copy of the data in this table, no matter how many shards there are. The other is ActiveRecord::Base, which is every model not otherwise inheriting from a connection class. You can come up with your own verticals by creating an abstract class, and inheriting from it, like so:

class SomeAbstractModel < ActiveRecord::Base

class SomeModel < SomeAbstractModel

When activating shards, the Switchman::UnshardedRecord model is always locked to the default shard, and passing no arguments defaults to ActiveRecord::Base:

>>> Switchman::Shard.current(ActiveRecord::Base)
 => <Switchman::Shard id:1>
>>> Switchman::Shard.current
 => <Switchman::Shard id:1>
>>> shard2.activate { Switchman::Shard.current }
 => <Switchman::Shard id:2>
>>> shard2.activate(SomeAbstractModel) {
 [Switchman::Shard.current, Switchman::Shard.current(SomeAbstractModel)] }
 => [<Switchman::Shard id:1>, <Switchman::Shard id:2>]
>>> Switchman::Shard.activate(ActiveRecord::Base => shard2, SomeAbstractModel => shard3) {
  [Switchman::Shard.current, Switchman::Shard.current(SomeAbstractModel)] }
 => [<Switchman::Shard id:2>, <Switchman::Shard id:3>]

Rails extensions

Relations are extended to know which shard their query will execute on, to infer the shard from primary key conditions, and to alter queries appropriately when the shard is changed:

>>> User.where(id: "2~1").shard_value
 => <Switchman::Shard id:2>
>>> User.where(id: "2~1").to_sql
 => "SELECT * FROM users WHERE id=1"
>>> Appendage.where(user_id: 1).shard(shard2).to_sql
 => "SELECT * FROM appendages WHERE user_id=10000000000001"

Associations automatically set their shard to the owning record, which then executes the query on that record's shard:

>>> User.first.appendages.shard_value
 => <User id:1>

ActiveRecord objects used to generate URLs automatically use short global IDs in the URL to reduce user confusion with long URLs:

>>> polymorphic_path([User.first])
 => "/users/1"
>>> polypmorphic_path([shard2.activate { User.first }])
 => "/users/2~1"

Switchman also disables the Rails feature where ActionController::Base.cache_store (and other specific MyController.cache_store values) can diverge from Rails.cache. Controller cache's must align with Rails.cache, but now Rails.cache is shard aware.

To take advantage of shard aware Rails.cache, simply set config.cache_store during Rails' configuration to a hash of configurations instead of a single configuration value. For example:

config.cache_store = {
  'production' => [:mem_cache_store, ['memcache.cluster1'], ...],
  'cluster2'   => [:mem_cache_store, ['memcache.cluster2'], ...]

Rails.cache will then load the cache store appropriate to the current shard's database server. If that database server does not have a cache store defined, it will fall back to the cache store defined for the Rails environment (e.g. config.cache_store['production']).

If the config.cache_store is a single configuration value, it will be used as the cache store for all database servers.

Connection Pooling

Qualified Names

Switchman will automatically prefix all table names in FROM clauses with the schema name, like so:

SELECT "users".* FROM "shard_11"."users"

Because the query no longer depends on the search_path being correct, it's safe to use pgbouncer's transaction pooling. There are a few caveats of this:

  • Custom SQL - if you write custom joins, you need to make sure you quote table names, which is how Switchman knows where to insert the shard name qualification:
  User.joins("LEFT OUTER JOIN #{Appendage.quoted_table_name} ON")

Note that you do not need to modify where clauses - Postgres is smart enough to know that shard_1.users is the only table addressed by this query, so can only possibly refer to this table. In order to enforce this quality and prevent bugs where you forget to do this, and instead pull data from an unexpected shard, it's recommended that you set the search_path to something bogus. Setting schema_search_path: "''" in database.yml accomplishes this.

  • Query serialized on one shard, but executed on another:
  relation = User.joins("LEFT OUTER JOIN #{Appendage.quoted_table_name} ON")
  relation.shard(@shard2).where(name: 'bob').first

In this case, the query will serialize as SELECT "users".* FROM "shard_2"."users" LEFT OUTER JOIN "shard_1"."appendages" ..., causing a cross-shard query. If the two shards are on separate database servers, it will simply fail. This happens because the JOIN serialized while shard 1 was active, but the query executed (and the initial FROM) against shard 2.

Note that subqueries are explicitly not allowed to to be serialized accidentally. In other words Switchman will raise an exception if you try to do this:

  relation = Appendage.all
  @shard1.activate { relation.where("EXISTS (?)", User.where(name: 'bob')) }

Instead, you must do this:

  relation = Appendage.all
  @shard1.activate { relation.where(User.where(name: 'bob').arel.exists) }

In this form, enough metadata about the subquery is preserved that Switchman is able to serialize it as whole against the correct shard, and also do any ID transposition in the subquery.

A Note on Shard Naming

When using Postgres, it may be tempting to have your default shard (or even other shards on other database servers) be named 'public'. In fact, this is likely to happen silently if you just start using switchman in a new database, because Postgres defaults the schema_search_path to "${user},public", and creates a public schema, but likely not a schema corresponding to the username you're using to connect to the database with. This is fine for development and testing, as it is a low-friction means of getting going with switchman, and switchman does its best to support this (or any other legacy infrastructure) by creating a default shard with NULL name, and detecting the schema it connected to (based on the settings in database.yml, and the current database structure).

However, in a production environment, this is potentially dangerous. This is due to potential confusion by including public in your search path anyway. For example, say you have a shard named "shard2", and a default shard named "public". Your search path will likely end up being "shard2,public". This means that if for some reason shard2 becomes inaccessible (permission issues most likely), switchman will not be aware that the tables that it is seeing are actually coming from the public schema -- the default shard! Your app will just happily go on corrupting data because two logical shards are being serviced by a single underlying schema.

Another small tip is to prefer to uniquely name your shards. Switchman tries to do this automatically by naming a shard with the ID as part of the name, but you're more than welcome to override this. The problem is that if you have the same schema name on multiple database servers (say "myapp"), and later decide to move them around to rebalance load, you'll have the additional headache of needing to rename the shards and schemas so that you don't end up with multiple shards of the same name on the same database server.


Pre-commit hooks

Switchman uses pre-commit to manage a pre-commit hook for running Rubocop. On a Mac, all you need to do get this set up locally is:

brew install pre-commit
pre-commit install

Then Rubocop will automatically run against changed files when you commit.