This project provides a website for sharing information and documentation about Large Language Modules (LLM). It also provides a setup for running LLMs locally in Ollama docker container too allow testing of modules in a GDPR safe environment.
It is built around PHP 8.3 and Drupal based on docker containers.
Note: this project also provides plugins to allow integration with OpenAI API and Azure AI API. This is done through Drupal's plugin API, which allow other to build new modules that provides connections to other LLM APIs.
For more information about this integration, look at the custom module which provides the default plugins.
This project contains a docker compose setup build around which is a simple wrapper script around docker compose using traefik as a revers proxy to get FQDN to access the site.
If you do not want to use this wrapper, you can substitute the itkdev-docer-compose
command with normal
docker compose
remembering to load the right composer file using the -f <file>
This setup also assumes that you have a docker network shared with treafik, if you are not using the wrapper, use this command to create the network first.
docker network create --driver=bridge --attachable --internal=false frontend
Run itkdev-docker-compose run node yarn watch
to continuesly build assets uppon file changes.
Run itkdev-docker-compose run node yarn build
to build assets once.
Run the following commands to set up the site. This will run a normal Drupal site installation with the existing configuration that comes with this project.
itkdev-docker-compose up -d
itkdev-docker-compose composer install
itkdev-docker-compose drush site-install minimal --existing-config -y
When the installation is completed, that admin user is created and the password for logging in the outputted. If you forget the password, use drush uli command to get a one-time-login link (not the uri here only works if you are using trafik).
itkdev-docker-compose drush uli --uri=""
If you are using out itkdev-docker-compose
simple use the command below to åbne the site in you default browser.
itkdev-docker-compose open
Alternatively you can find the port number that is mapped nginx container that server the site at
by using this command:
docker compose port nginx 8080
This project uses Drupal's configuration import and export to handle configuration changes and uses the
config ignore module to protect some of the site settings form being
overridden. For local and production configuration settings that you do not want to export, please use
to override default configuration values.
Export config created from drupal:
itkdev-docker-compose drush config:export
Import config from config files:
itkdev-docker-compose drush config:import
docker compose run --rm phpfpm composer install
docker compose run --rm phpfpm composer normalize
docker compose run --rm phpfpm composer install
docker compose run --rm phpfpm composer coding-standards-apply/phpcs
docker compose run --rm phpfpm composer coding-standards-check/phpcs
docker compose run --rm phpfpm composer install
docker compose run --rm phpfpm composer coding-standards-apply/twig-cs-fixer
docker compose run --rm phpfpm composer coding-standards-check/twig-cs-fixer
docker run --rm --volume "$PWD:/md" itkdev/markdownlint $(git ls-files *.md) --fix
docker run --rm --volume "$PWD:/md" itkdev/markdownlint $(git ls-files *.md)
docker compose run --rm node yarn install
docker compose run --rm node yarn coding-standards-apply
docker compose run --rm node yarn coding-standards-check
To host models locally, this project ships with Ollama which is able to partially load modules as needed into memory and also enables one to server models without GPUs. This comes at the cost of slower response times and very high CPU loads, but this is the best solution at this time.
The project does not ship with any models, so before being able to use any models these should be downloaded. Models are somewhat large (+4 GB) in size. The list of Ollama supported modules can be seen her:
First find the port that Ollama is located at with this command:
docker compose port ollama 11434
The following command can be used to pull down a model:
curl<PORT>/api/pull -d '{
"name": "llama3"
Replacing the <PORT>
with the port number form the first command and replacing the module name with the model you
what to download.
The complete Ollama API documentation can be found here:
@todo Write this section.