This project has been migrated to GitLab: (#GithubExodus).
Passera turns entered text into a strong password up to 64 characters long.
A simple tool that allows users to have strong unique passwords for each website, without the need to store them either locally or with an online service. It is available as a command-line tool for Linux/Mac/Windows and an Android app.
This is a fork of the original Passera Firefox Add-on, ported like web-extension —currently in an early stage of development, a.k.a. beta release—. This project is not intended to improve the encryption algorithm or security considerations. The real objective of the project is to facilitate the use of the Passera as a user tool.
Get it from AMO.
Not yet releases available.
- Added the functionality to copy the password to the clipboard.
- It is currently not possible to regenerate a new password without closing the pop-up window.
Dual BSD-GPL3 License.