Hello! I'm Jaffar Keikei, a Computer Science enthusiast from the University of Toronto. My passion for software development has led me to create and contribute to various projects right here on GitHub. Dive in to explore my journey across different domains, languages, and technologies!
- π Dive into a mix of languages: Python, C, Java, C++ and more.
- π Projects that traverse the realms of web development to systems programming.
- π A continuous learner with an ardor for self-improvement.
- π€ Collaborative experiences and peer projects.
- π§ A passionate Linux enthusiast.
These statistics represent my activity on GitHub. They include the number of contributions I've made, the number of repositories I've created, and the number of followers I have. They also show the number of issues I've opened and the number of pull requests I've made. These numbers are a testament to my commitment to (open source and) my passion for coding.
While numbers don't capture everything, they do paint a part of the picture. Here's my journey by the numbers:
Please note that these numbers do not reflect the entirety of my coding activity. I also contribute to private repositories and work on projects outside of GitHub. So while these numbers provide a glimpse into my coding journey, I significantly contribute to my private repos.
Here's a visual representation of the languages I use in my projects, along with my GitHub activity statistics. These statistics are based on my public repositories only.
I strive to maintain a balance in my projects, dedicating about 50% of them to one primary language, while the remaining 50% are spread across various other languages. Currently, Python constitutes the majority of my work, but I'm actively working towards increasing my proficiency in C++, despite its steep learning curve, to make it my primary language in the future.
Why C++, you ask? Well, I have always been fascinated by systems. The way they work, the way they interact, and the way they are built. C and C++ is a language that allows me to dive deep into the system, understand its intricacies, and manipulate it to my will. It's a language that doesn't hold your hand, and I love it for that. It challenges me to think, to solve, and to create. I am a systems thinker, and C++ is a systems language.
This graph represents my daily activity on GitHub. It shows the number of days I've been active on GitHub in a row, which is also known as my "streak". The longer the streak, the more consistent I've been in coding. It's a fun and motivating way to track my progress and commitment to coding every day.
As I continue to grow and learn, I have set some goals for myself to achieve in the near future:
πΉ Master the intricacies of C++ and make it my primary language for systems programming.
πΉ Contribute to open-source projects that have a significant impact on the community.
πΉ Explore the field of Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning and their interaction with systems programming.
πΉ Improve my problem-solving skills by making problem solving a habit, joining LeetCode The Hard Way community.
πΉ Collaborate with other developers on projects that solve real-world problems.
These goals keep me motivated and focused on my journey as a software developer. I believe that with consistent effort and a passion for learning, I can achieve these goals and continue to grow as a developer.
If you've got questions, suggestions, or just want to chat, feel free to reach out.
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jaffarkeikei/
- Portfolio: https://jaffarkeikei.github.io/jaffarkeikei/
- LeetCode: https://leetcode.com/jaffarkeikei/
- GitLab: https://gitlab.com/jaffarkeikei/
- Email: [email protected]
π Wherever you are in the world, I hope code brings you as much joy as it does to me!
π Thank you for exploring and diving into my corner of GitHub!