This application (called 🦎 GAD) was prepared and developed only for testing purposes. It provides:
- Swagger Doc
This application contains simple logic, statistics, charts, games, different resources, deliberately prepared bugs🐛 and various challenges.
Thanks to this configuration, we are able to reflect real project reality😉
P.S. In addition, the application has some serious design flaws - I wonder if you will notice them?😉
Features of 🦎 GAD:
- GUI (front-end)
- REST API (back-end)
- Swagger Doc
- Simple DataBase (JSON) with REST API endpoints to clear/restore all data
- Authentication and Authorization
- User <-> resources logic (calculations, statistics)
- Different data presentation (charts, tables etc.)
- Feature flags configurable from UI!
- Bug flags to enable/disable different bugs - configurable from UI!
- Dynamic config
- Challenging elements for test automation (iframes, file uploads, drag&drop, likes, labels, surveys, banners, pop-ups, logic on front-end and back-end, dynamic elements, games etc.)
- Admins "backoffice" with additional tools and functionalities (DB reset, SQL Playground)
Instructions how to deploy presented service to various free hosting sites.
- node.js installed in the system
- tested on node.js v18 and v20
- git installed in the system
- Open the project root directory in cmd/terminal
- Clone the repository using
git clone ...
- this is the preferred way to use this application
- Run
npm i
- to install modules (don't use node.js global packages!)
- Run
npm run start
- to start GAD
The application will be available at http://localhost:3000
- Download zipped repository
- Unzip and replace Your local instance of GAD
- Run
npm i
in root directory- to install new modules
- Run
npm run start
- to start GAD
- Open the project root directory in cmd/terminal
- Pull latest changes using
git pull
- Run
npm i
- to install new modules
- Run
npm run start
- to start GAD
One possibility is to reset all Your local changes and pull new version.Using this method You will lose all Your local changes and data!
- Open the project root directory in cmd/terminal
- Reset local changes and pull latest changes using:
git reset --hard HEAD git pull
- Run
npm i
- to install new modules
- Run
npm run start
- to start GAD
Option | Description |
READ_ONLY=1 | Run in Read Only mode. This disables all POST, PUT, and PATCH methods, besides login. |
PORT=3001 | Run on selected port. GAD runs on default port 3000 . |
DB="db_name" | Use selected database file. GAD uses db.json as default database. Example (for PowerShell): $env:DB="db-base-big"; npm run start |
To run GAD with CLI options, use the following commands e.g.:
$env:PORT=3001; npm run start
PORT=3001 npm run start
Windows Cmd:
set PORT=3001 && npm run start
No account needed - but your project will be deleted in 5 days.
After clicking button below wait a minute or two to finish deployment.
To see website:
- go to bottom buttons
- click
- choose
👯Preview in a new window
When deploying the GAD application on Glitch, please be aware that the application may not function fully due to the limitations of the Glitch platform. However, we are making every effort to ensure the highest possible compatibility.
- Create free account on:
- After successful registration hit the button:
- name your app
- hit
- wait a while and click link to project
- click link to open app (under project name and repository)
- enjoy 750 free hours of service per month
When deploying the GAD application on Render, please be aware that the application may not function fully due to the limitations of the Render platform. However, we are making every effort to ensure the highest possible compatibility.
This method can be used:
- locally
- in CI/CD services (GitHub Actions, GitLab CI etc.)
On local environment:
- latest Docker is installed
Just run following command to get latest image:
docker run -p 3000:3000 -d jaktestowac/gad
or specific version:
docker run -p 3000:3000 -d jaktestowac/gad:2.5.5
Application should be running under http://localhost:3000/
Images are available at: 🐋