For more information about this pattern see this.
This implementation has only redis adapter yet
composer require leocarmo/circuit-breaker-php
The first argument is a redis connection, the second is your product name, for redis namespace avoid key conflicts with another product using the same redis.
use LeoCarmo\CircuitBreaker\CircuitBreaker;
// Connect to redis
$redis = new \Redis();
$redis->connect('localhost', 6379);
$adapter = new \LeoCarmo\CircuitBreaker\Adapters\RedisAdapter($redis, 'my-product');
// Set redis adapter for CB
This is not required, default values will be set
// Configure settings for CB
'timeWindow' => 60, // Time for an open circuit (seconds)
'failureRateThreshold' => 50, // Fail rate for open the circuit
'intervalToHalfOpen' => 30, // Half open time (seconds)
// Configure settings for specific service
CircuitBreaker::setServiceSettings('my-custom-service', [
'timeWindow' => 30, // Time for an open circuit (seconds)
'failureRateThreshold' => 15, // Fail rate for open the circuit
'intervalToHalfOpen' => 10, // Half open time (seconds)
Each check is for a specific service. So you can have multiple services in the same application, and when one circuit is open, the other works normally.
// Check circuit status for service: `my-service`
if (! CircuitBreaker::isAvailable('my-service')) {
die('Circuit is not available!');
// Usage example for success and failure
try {
} catch (\ServiceException $e) {