This component allows reading pressure and temperature measurements using the Amphenol Allsensors DLHR series of sensors. While these sensors support both SPI and I2C, this component only supports reading values over SPI.
The first step to configuring the sensor is configuring the SPI bus.
Next configure the sensor.
- platform: allsensorsdlhr
name: "Hvac Monitor Pressure"
unit_of_measurement: "inH2O"
pressure_range: 2.0
pressure_type: 2.0
name: "Hvac Monitor Temp P"
cs_pin: GPIO15
update_interval: "10s"
- pressure: The information for the pressure sensor.
- name: The name for the pressure sensor.
- unit_of_measurement: The unit of measurement for the pressure readings. Defaults to "inH20" or inches of water column.
- pressure_range: The pressure range the sensor is capable of measuring. If the sensor is a gauge type the range is from 0 to the pressure range value. If the type is "differential" the range will be from the negative of the range value to a positive range value (e.g. if pressure_range is set to "2.0", the range is from -2.0 to +2.0).
- pressure_type: The type of pressure sensor. Use "1.0" for gauge type sensors, "2.0" for differential sensors.
- temperature: The information for the temperature sensor.
- name: The name for the temperature sensor.
- cs_pin: SPI Chip select pin.
- update_interval: The interval to check the sensor. Default is "20s".
The component is set to use a CLK frequency of 2MHz. The acceptable frequency range for the sensor is 50KHz to 5MHz.
The sensors support multiple ways of taking measurements, either by taking a single measurement and returning the values read, or returning an average of 2, 4, 8, or 16 samples. Currently this component only supports reading an average of 8 samples.