A curated list of Atomist articles, references, guides, courses, books, videos and presentations
Contributions most welcome. See (https://github.com/sindresorhus/awesome) for contributions guidelines.
- Articles
- Community
- Meetups
- References
- Guides
- Code
- Videos
- Podcasts
- Presentations
- Courses and Tutorials
- Books
- Handlers
- Templates and Editors
- Repository Support
- Tooling
- Resources
- Misc
The Composition - Articles from the Atomist Team covering Rugs, etc.
- Introduction to Atomist Editors - The fundamental differentiation provided by Atomist over previous project generation approaches.
- Evolving Projects Using Atomist Editors - Continuing the series started in Introduction to Atomist Editors this post steps through the mechanics of creating a Spring Boot project with one editor action and then running a second editor to bring in Neo. The article also dives down into the structure of Rug types which are used to create new Atomist editors.
- [Updating Multiple Projects using Atomist Executors] (https://medium.com/the-composition/understand-automate-collaborate-1b5695ecb724#.8ffgnmr1n)
- BDD with Rug - This soup to nuts account of the process to create a new editor with test scenarios introduces the use the Rug Test DSL.
- Rugs At the Bazaar: Open Source @Atomist - Listing and discussion of Rug-related open source projects.
- Automating Infrastructure with Atomist - Configure Travis CI for your repo with one click.
- Atomist: Meet TypeScript - Introduction of writing Rugs using TypeScript.
- Automating Our Development Flow With Atomist - Introduction to automating development flows, e.g., build, test, & deploy, with Rug.
- Rugs on the Command Line - Tutorial for using the Rug CLI to run Rugs.
- Upgrading to Spring Boot 1.4.4 with Rug - Walkthough showing how to create a Rug to upgrade SpringBoot and then use an Executor to apply this across a collection of projects
- Write your Rugs in Python - Rug authoring in Python using JavaScripthon to transpile to ECMAScript 5 (the Atomist lingua franca)
- Creating Rugs on the Command Line - Creating, developing, and testing your own Rugs using the Rug CLI
Using Rug with Elm - Using Rugs to automate the language tutorial process, in this case Elm.
Today’s Rug: maven executable jar - Quick walk through of creating your own Rug editor to solve an infrequent problem once and for all.
Evolucionando Código con Rug - Code that writes code
Atomist Alpha Programme - Join the Alpha programme if interested in using Atomist Bot on your own Slack
Slack: Atomist Community - Slack for Atomist Community -
Join The Atomist Slack Community - Start here if you need to join the Atomist Slack Community
This Month in Atomist - News and chat snippets curated from various sources including the Atomist Slack channels.
Atomist Enthusiasts - LinkedIn Atomist User Group
Atomist StackOverflow - Atomist questions on StackOverflow
- User Groups Slack Channel User Groups Slack Channel
- Rug RUG, The London Atomist Rug User Group - The Original Atomist Meetup
- Atomist Reference - Atomist Reference: The Atomist Bot, Atomist Project Template Overview, Authoring Atomist Project Editors and Reviewers with the Atomist DSL, Systems that Atomist Currently Supports.
Quick Starts - Atomist Quick Starts
- Developing Rugs - Develop and test your own Rugs
- HelloWorld Microservices with Atomist - atomist-bot commits linking to HelloWorld Microservice examples using SpringBoot (for now).
- Neo4j with Atomist - Example Project demonstrating Atomist Editors for Spring Boot with Neo4j
- Upgrading to JUnit 5 - Demo project uses two Rugs to update Maven POMs and Java source code to JUnit 5.
- Upgrading ScalaTest Assertions - PR from Atomist upgrading unit test assertions to type safe idiom.
- UpgradeScalaTestAssertions.ts - This is the TypeScript code that comprises the editor
- "The Clockwork Gardener: Growing an Elm App With Templates" by Jessica Kerr - Jessica Kerr steps through life alongside her PR flinging, code generating buddy Atomist starting with ChatOps and progressing to CLI.
- JAX London 2016: Interview with Russ Miles - Rapid overview of Rug - 10 minute Rug Language overview with Russ Miles at JAX London 2016. Awesome because convincing case that a Rug can actually tie things together. Maybe.
- Atomist Bot Demo - 10 minute Atomist Bot demo showing interaction via Slack channel.
- The Atomist Bot gets authorized via OAuth, shows status, executes a generator prompting for parameters, creates a compojure-service PR on GitHub project.
- The demo shows how to list generators.
- Atomist then is instructed to create a SpringBoot project.
- Atomist lists it's 54 editors, then adds a Docker file to the SpringBoot project.
Super cool to see the workflow all within Slack with history.
- Atomist YouTube Channel
- Jessica Kerr - Web Programming without Errors, and Coding without Typing - From CodeMesh 2016
- Understand, Automate, Collaborate for Development Speed with Microservices - Russ Miles interleaves Atomist with a state-of-the-microservices themed presentation.
- InfoQ Presentations > Atomist - Included Automating at a Higher Level with Atomist from Philly ETE 2017
- InfoQ Podcasts - Jessica Kerr on Productivity, Slack Chatbots, Yak Shaving, & Why Diversity Matters for Innovation
- Fries and a ChatOps with JackieBigShots - Step by step request and response microservice creation and Dockerization modification from Atomist Slack team.
- Musical Theatre Style take on Microservice Challenge/Atomist Solution scenarios - Great if you missed the Edinburgh Fringe this year. Requires login to SkillsMatter.
- Rug Koans - Self-directed learning samples using Rug tests to explore and learn Rug and its environment
- Feedback channel: https://atomist-community.slack.com/messages/rug-koans/details/
- Atomist in Action - Manning - In anticipation
- Professional Atomist - Wrox - In anticipation
- Learning Atomist - O'Reilly - In anticipation
- Taming Automaton with Atomist - Hands On! - Packt - In anticipation
- Pro Atomist - Apress - In anticipation
Project | Description |
travis-rugs | Atomist Rug handlers for Travis CI |
kubernetes-rugs | Atomist home of Rugs for Kubernetes integration |
aws-rugs | Atomist Rugs integrating with Amazon Web Services |
rug-rugs | Atomist Rugs for Rug projects |
spring-rugs | Atomist project generator for a new Spring Boot Rest Service |
jenkins-rugs | Home of the Atomist Rugs for Jenkins |
github-rugs | Atomist Rug handlers for GitHub |
circle-rugs | Atomist Rugs for integrating Circle CI |
Project | Description |
aem-rugs | Adobe Experience Manager Rugs |
TODO: Since spring-rugs contains a generator maybe re-org this section which is titled "Handlers" TODO: Expand with each repo and list each command.
- Atomist Project Templates - Python, Java and Clojure templates.
- Simple Lein Project - Clojure project generator & example editor
- Compojure API Sample - Clojure Compojure API project generator
- AddScalaPom. BringInScalatest - Example Rugs related to Scala
- Scala Maven Rugs - Context for the above project
- NPM packages by atomist - TypeScript model for Atomist editors, generators etc
- Atomist Travis Editors - Rug archive with editors that enable and configure a Travis CI build for a GitHub repository
- Automating Travis CI configuration with Atomist - Paints a vision of pushing forward the current frontier of infrastructure-as-code automation and illustrates this vision with Travis CI configuration.
- Atomist Licensing Editors - Manage licensing and copyright notices with Atomist. Add licence from selection of 25+ licence templates including AFL-3.0, GPL-3.0, and all the usual suspects
TODO: If you are reading this and have information please provide an edit to this table
NOTE: Now the Rug DSL is being superceeded by TypeScript this table will have Rug DSL only tools removed at some point.
Name | Status | Description | Further Information and Link |
IntelliJ IDEA | - | ||
Atom | Pre-publication | A Rug language package for the Atom editor | https://github.com/atomist/language-rug |
Atom | - | An Atom plugin for running Elm Atomist Rugs | https://github.com/mbylstra/elm-atomist-rugs-atom-plugin |
Eclipse | - | ||
Emacs | Early Stages | Emacs major mode for the Rug language | https://github.com/atomist/rug-emacs-mode |
VI | - | ||
CodeMirror | - | ||
Visual Code Studio | - |
TODO: If you are reading this and have information please provide an edit to this table
Name | Status | Description | Further Information and Link |
GitHub | Generally Available | ||
GitHub Enterprise | n/a | ||
GitLab | n/a | ||
Bitbucket | Atomist Team Investigating | ||
TeamCity | Mentioned on Slack | https://atomist-community.slack.com/archives/announce/p1485342173000135 | |
Team Services | n/a |
To the extent possible under law, Janek Bogucki has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.