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Wrapper package to handle Janis OAuth module.

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⚠️ Peer dependencies: You must install react-native-app-auth: "^6.2.0" and react-native-inappbrowser-reborn: "^3.5.1" before using this package.


npm install @janiscommerce/oauth-native


Main Auth Provider

Wrap your app inside a AuthProvider component and pass required "config" and "logoutUrl" props. (to know more about config object, see react-native-app-auth docs)

// App.js - (Your main app component)
import AuthProvider from '@janiscommerce/oauth-native';

 * Config example
 * more info about config in:
const config = {
  issuer: '' /* Issuer url */,
  clientId: '' /* Client id */,
  redirectUrl: '' /* Redirect url */,
  scopes: ['openid', 'profile', 'email'] /* All scopes you need */,
  serviceConfiguration: {
    authorizationEndpoint: '' /* Authorization url */,
    tokenEndpoint: '' /* Token url */,

const logoutUrl = ''; /* Url to logout on webview */

const App = () => (
  <AuthProvider config={config} logoutUrl={logoutUrl}>
    <ChildrenComponent />

export default App;

Custom hook

Export any component that needs access to oauth or openId user data using useOauthData. By doing this, you'll have access to methods handleLogout or handleAuthorize, and some states.

// ChildrenComponent.js (Some internal component on your app)
import {useOauthData} from '@janiscommerce/oauth-native';

const ChildrenComponent = () => {
  const {isLogged, handleLogout,} = useOauthData();

  console.log('', rest);

  return (
      {isLogged ? (
          <Text>User is logged</Text>
            title="Cerrar Sesión"
      ) : (
          <Text>User is NOT logged</Text>

useOauthData returned states and methods:

state Type description
oauthTokens object all tokens obtained from authentication server
handleLogout function open a in App browser with logout url and clean async storage tokens
handleAuthorize function open a in App browser to authenticate user
userData object user data from openId Connect
isLogged boolean info about if user is logged
loading boolean -
error null or string null if there is no errors or string with error message

getUserInfo method

The method getUserInfo compared to useOauthData.userData is not context dependent.

state Type description
getUserInfo object user data information without depending on a context


Janis OAuth Wrapper for React Native






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