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This package contains several modules to handle upload files, list it, or delete it for Janis APIs.


npm install @janiscommerce/sls-api-upload

🔧 Configuration

ENV variables

JANIS_SERVICE_NAME (required): The name of the service that will be use to create the path when saving the file into the S3 through the Storage Microservice.

Own bucket usage

For Own Bucket usage is required to add the following configuration.

get bucket()


This getter must be used in all APIs to indicate the bucket where files are uploaded, listed, retrieved individually, or deleted.

get bucket() {
	return 'bucket-name';


In this package, you can found several modules to create APIs to manage files, uploads, delete or get them.

Every Module can be customize.

Common Validation

Some APIs Modules offers some custom validation for specfics features such as file size, or file type, but everyone has a common validation hook.


In order to add some custom validations you can use re-write this method, can be async, if fails the status-code is setted to 400 by default. If it exist, executes after validate() and before process().

class MyApiUpload extends SlsApiUpload {

	// ... other code
	postValidateHook() {

			throw new Error('Invalid Data');


This Module allows you to create a Model for file-data document.

This Class extends from @janiscommerce/model

Model Example

'use strict';

const { BaseFileModel } = require('@janiscommerce/sls-api-upload');

class FileModel extends BaseFileModel {

	static get table() {
		return 'your_table_files';

	static get fields() {
		return {
			productId: true


The following getters can be used to customize and validate your BaseFileModel.

static get table()


Default: "files"

This is used to indicate the name of the files table/collection

static get table() {
	return 'your_table_files';

static get fields()



	id: true,
	path: true,
	size: true,
	name: true,
	type: true,
	dateCreated: true

This is used to indicate the fields of the files table/collection

static get fields() {
	return {
		productId: true


This Module allows you to create an API to get the credentials to upload multiples Document.

This Class extends from @janiscommerce/api

API Example

// in src/api/{entity}/file-get-credentials/list.js
'use strict';

const { SlsApiFileGetCredentials } = require('@janiscommerce/sls-api-upload');

class MyApiRelation extends SlsApiFileGetCredentials {

	get entity() {
		return 'entityName';

get entity()


This is used to indicate the entity name, it will be use in the file path when it's saved

get entity() {
	return 'entityName';

get fileExpiration()


Allows you to set a custom expiration for the file. Possible values: oneDay | tendays | month | never

get fileExpiration() {
	return 'oneDay';

Request Data

This API has the following required request data:

  • fileName: (string) The file name to upload to S3. It's required if fileNames its not sended.
  • fileNames: (array) List of file names to upload to S3. It's required if fileName its not sended.
  • expiration: (string) The name and extension of the file.

Request filenames data example

	"fileNames": ["front-image.png"],
	"expiration": 120


This API response with status-code 201 and id if success to Save the file data Document.

// status-code 201
	"fileNames": {
		"front-image.png": {
			"url": "",
			"fields": {
				"Content-Type": "image/png",
				"key": "cdn/files/defaultClient/9ea2lbLalrQrjkoWqyJ5gOsJGBtzbml1.png",
				"bucket": "janis-storage-service-beta",
				"X-Amz-Algorithm": "AWS4-HMAC-SHA256",
				"X-Amz-Credential": "ASIASJHJMNZZ5MVD5YHU/20230112/us-east-1/s3/aws4_request",
				"X-Amz-Date": "20230112T114452Z",
				"X-Amz-Security-Token": "IQoJb3JpZ2luX2VjEGQaCXVzLWVhc3QtMSJGMEQCIHJFEKy124C1P0svU5z3M/szk8tN92pSnn5uR=",
				"Policy": "eyJleHBpcmF0aW9uIjoiMjAyMy0wMS0xMlQxMTo0NTo1MloiLCJjb25kaXRpb124IjpbWyJjb250ZW50LWxlbmd0aC1y",
				"X-Amz-Signature": "c9b0e78d8b166847c2583383ac5da48e92e95501ed2991058e5a1244c1514aba"

Request filename data example

	"fileName": "front-image.png",
	"expiration": 120


This API response with status-code 201 and id if success to Save the file data Document.

// status-code 201
	"url": "",
	"fields": {
		"Content-Type": "image/png",
		"key": "cdn/files/defaultClient/9ea2lbLalrQrjkoWqyJ5gOsJGBtzbml1.png",
		"bucket": "janis-storage-service-beta",
		"X-Amz-Algorithm": "AWS4-HMAC-SHA256",
		"X-Amz-Credential": "ASIASJHJMNZZ5MVD5YHU/20230112/us-east-1/s3/aws4_request",
		"X-Amz-Date": "20230112T114452Z",
		"X-Amz-Security-Token": "IQoJb3JpZ2luX2VjEGQaCXVzLWVhc3QtMSJGMEQCIHJFEKy124C1P0svU5z3M/szk8tN92pSnn5uR=",
		"Policy": "eyJleHBpcmF0aW9uIjoiMjAyMy0wMS0xMlQxMTo0NTo1MloiLCJjb25kaXRpb124IjpbWyJjb250ZW50LWxlbmd0aC1y",
		"X-Amz-Signature": "c9b0e78d8b166847c2583383ac5da48e92e95501ed2991058e5a1244c1514aba"

get model()


This is used to indicate the Model class that should be used to save the file relationship

const FileModel = require('../models/your-file-model');

get model() {
	return FileModel;


This Module allows you to create an API to create a Document with the file data in the Database Collection.

This Class extends from @janiscommerce/api

API Example

// in src/api/{entity}/file/post.js
'use strict';

const { SlsApiFileRelation } = require('@janiscommerce/sls-api-upload');

class MyApiRelation extends SlsApiFileRelation {

	get entityIdField() {
		return 'productId';

Request Data

This API has the following required request data:

  • filename: (string) The name and extension of the file.
  • filesSource: (string) The full key of the file stored in S3.
  • fileExpiration: (string) The expiration of the file stored in S3.

Request data example

	"fileName": "front-image.png",
	"fileSource": "files/images/1f368ddd-97b6-4076-ba63-9e0a71273aac.png",
	"fileExpiration": "month"


This API response with status-code 201 and id if success to Save the file data Document.

// status-code 201
	"id": "5e866d89fc33220011108188"

get model()


This is used to indicate the Model class that should be used to save the file relationship

const FileModel = require('../models/your-file-model');

get model() {
	return FileModel;

get entityIdField()


This is used to indicate the field name where the related entity ID should be saved

	get entityIdField() {
		return 'productId';

get customFieldsStruct()


This is used to indicate more fields to be validated from the request and saved with the relationship.

get customFieldsStruct() {
	return {
		myRelationshipCustomField: 'string',
		myOptionalRelationshipCustomField: 'string?'

Request data example;

	"fileName": "image.png",
	"fileSource": "files/images/1f368ddd-97b6-4076-ba63-9e0a71273aac.png",
	"myRelationshipCustomField": "theValue"

get fileExpiration()


Allows you to set a custom expiration for the file. Possible values: oneDay | tendays | month | never

get fileExpiration() {
	return 'oneDay';


This module has 2 Hooks:

postSaveHook(id, dataFormatted)

This hooks is async and execute after save the document. You can used it to emit an Event, invoke a Lambda function, create an extra Log, make a Request or whatever you need to the do after save.

 postSaveHook(id, itemFormatted) {
	return'ItemNotify', { id, ...itemFormatted});


The object is created with the following fields:

  • name: the filename, example: front-image.png
  • path: the relative path in S3 Bucket, example files/images/1f368ddd-97b6-4076-ba63-9e0a71273aac.png
  • mimeType: the file full type, example: ìmage/png
  • type: the simplified type, example image
  • size: the file size in Bytes, example: 1000

But if you have more fields, or you can add any others, you can use a custom Format method


It's async and received the extra file data (if you added customFieldsStruct).

format({ myRelationshipCustomField, myOptionalRelationshipCustomField }) {
	return {
		relations: {
			default: myRelationshipCustomField,
			optional: myOptionalRelationshipCustomField
		lucky: Math.random() * 1000

And final document saved in database would be:

	path: 'files/images/1f368ddd-97b6-4076-ba63-9e0a71273aac.png',
	name: 'front-image.png',
	mimeType: 'image/png',
	type: 'image',
	size: 10000,
	relations: {
		default: 'stuff',
		optional: 'accesory'
	lucky: 667


This Module allows you to create an API to List file-data documents.

This API extends from @janiscommerce/api-list

API Example

// in src/api/item/file/list.js
'use strict';

const { SlsApiFileDelete } = require('@janiscommerce/sls-api-upload');

class MyApiList extends SlsApiFileList {}

In this example, the List API only can

  • sort and filter by
    • id : file-data document internal ID
    • name : filename
    • dateCreated : strict mode only search by exact Date

Also, every file-data document will NOT have a URL to use it for show it, download it, etc..

Custom Sorting and Filtering

If you need more fields to sort or filter exist 2 optionals getters.

get customSortableFields()

To add more fields to be sortable. Must return an Array of Strings

get customSortableFields() {
	return ['type', 'order'];

get customAvailableFilters()

To add more fields to be sortable. Must return an Array of Strings or Object, see more in @janiscommerce/api-list filters.

get customAvailableFilters() {
	return [
			name: 'order',
			valueMapper: Number


You can format each file-data document and/or the file's URL.


To format the file data except file-path

formatFileData({ order, ...fileData }) {
	return {
		order: `#${order}`


This module has only one Hook:


This Module allows you to create an API to get a single file-data document.

This API extends from @janiscommerce/api-get

API Example

// in src/api/item/file/get.js
'use strict';

const { SlsApiFileGet } = require('@janiscommerce/sls-api-upload');

class MyApiGet extends SlsApiFileGet {


URL field

This API module always return the file-data document with the url field.


The File-Document can be formatted in the same way as in the SLS-API-List using


This module has only one Hook:


This Module allows you to create an API to delete a file from S3 Bucket and Database Collection.

This Class extends from @janiscommerce/api

API Example

// in src/api/item/file/delete.js
'use strict';

const { SlsApiFileDelete } = require('@janiscommerce/sls-api-upload');

class MyApiDelete extends SlsApiFileDelete {

	get entityIdField() {
		return 'productId';


The following getters can be used to customize and validate your SlsApiFileDelete.

get model()


This is used to indicate the Model class that should be used to remove the file relationship

const FileModel = require('../models/your-file-model');

get model() {
	return FileModel;

get entityIdField()


This is used to indicate the field name where the related entity ID was saved

get entityIdField() {
	return 'productId';


This module has two Hooks:


This hooks is async and execute after delete the document from S3 Bucket. You can used it to emit an Event, invoke a Lambda function, create an extra Log, make a Request or whatever you need to the do after delete it.

 postDeleteHook(itemDeleted) {
	return EventEmitter.emit({
		entity: 'item',
		event: 'deleted',
		client: this.session.clientCode,

Serverless Example

This is an example to implement in the serverless configuration.

This Configuration file use this packages @sls-helper and @sls-helper-plugin-janis

			"path": "/{entityName}/{id}/file",
			"method": "get",
			"methodName": "list",
			"authorizer": "FullAuthorizer",
			"cors": true
			"path": "/{entityName}/{id}/file/{fileId}",
			"method": "get",
			"authorizer": "FullAuthorizer",
			"cors": true
			"path": "/{entityName}/{id}/file/{fileId}",
			"method": "delete",
			"authorizer": "FullAuthorizer",
			"cors": true
			"path": "/{entityName}/{id}/file",
			"method": "post",
			"authorizer": "FullAuthorizer",
			"cors": true,
			"package": {
                "include": ["src/models/file.js", "src/api/{entityName}/file-related/post.js"]
			"path": "/{entityName}/{id}/file-get-credentials",
			"method": "get",
			"methodName": "list",
			"authorizer": "FullAuthorizer",
			"cors": true,
			"package": {
                "include": ["src/models/file.js", "src/api/{entityName}/file-related/post.js"]


This Module allows you to create an API to get a valid pre-signed URL and headers in order to upload a file to a S3 Bucket (Own Bucket exclusive).

This Class extends from @janiscommerce/api

⚠️ IMPORTANT: When you get the response you can use it to make the request with the file.

If you want to see more about it:

API Example

// in src/api/item/file-upload/list.js
'use strict';

const { SlsApiUpload } = require('@janiscommerce/sls-api-upload');

module.exports = class MyApiUpload extends SlsApiUpload {
	get bucket() {
		return 'bucket-name';

	get path() {
		return 'files/';

	get availableTypes() {
		return ['application/pdf']

	get expiration() {
		return 300;

	get sizeRange() {
		return [1, 1024 * 1024 * 5]; // 1byte - 5mb

Request Example

	fileName: 'my-file.jpg'

Response Example

	url: '',
	fields: {
		'Content-Type': 'image/jpg',
		key: 'files/06311e0c-6f32-4a13-93e4-c89a7765e571.jpg',
		bucket: 'bucket-name',
		'X-Amz-Algorithm': 'AWS4-HMAC-SHA256',
		'X-Amz-Credential': 'AAAAAAA99BB0BOCCCCCC/10000000/us-east-2/s3/aws4_request',
		'X-Amz-Date': '20200406T185857Z',
		Policy: 'eyJleHBpcmF0aW9uIjoiMjAyMC0wNC0wNlQxODo1OTo1N1oiLCJjb25kaXRpb25zIjpbWyJjb250ZW5=',
		'X-Amz-Signature': '4e99b9e991df4aa4370e88aa3390000d1a543527fcc1cdb6583b193aed00bf00'


The following getters can be used to customize and validate your SlsApiUpload.

get bucket()


This is used to indicate the bucket where the file should be saved

get bucket() {
	return 'bucket-name';

get path()


Default: ""

This is used to indicate the path where the file should be saved

get path() {
	return 'files/pdf/';

get availableTypes()


Default: []

This is used to indicate the accepted file types to be uploaded. If you not define them, all types will be valid. Example:

get availableTypes() {
	return ['image/jpg', 'image/jpeg', 'image/png']

get expiration()


Default: 60

This is used to indicate the expiration time in seconds of the generated URL

get expiration() {
	return 120;

get sizeRange()


Default: [1,10485760] // 1B to 10MB

This is used to indicate the valid file size range to be uploaded

get sizeRange() {
	return [1, 20 * 1024 * 1024]; // 1byte - 20mb


This module has only one Hook:


No description, website, or topics provided.






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