A script that makes progress bar from the number of PDFs.
- PyPDF2
- requests
- requests-oauthlib
pip3 install pypdf2 requests requests-oauthlib
If you want to tweet or update your profile, edit CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET, ACCESS_TOKEN and ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET in config.py. Just print progress bar, you don't need edit config.py.
thesis_progress.py [-h] {tweet,print,update_profile} ...
thesis_progress.py tweet [-h] [-c CUSTOMIZE] [-f FILE] [-g GOAL]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
customize tweet. put `%BAR%` where you want to put the progress bar.
-f FILE, --file FILE file name
-g GOAL, --goal GOAL goal page
thesis_progress.py print [-h] [-c CUSTOMIZE] [-f FILE] [-g GOAL]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
customize text. put `%BAR%` where you want to put the progress bar.
-f FILE, --file FILE file name
-g GOAL, --goal GOAL goal page
thesis_progress.py update_profile [-h] [-c CUSTOMIZE] [-f FILE] [-g GOAL]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
customize profile description. put `%BAR%` where you want to put the progress bar.
-f FILE, --file FILE file name
-g GOAL, --goal GOAL goal page
./thesis_progress.py print -f /Users/jau5/Documents/workspace/修論/main.pdf -c "修論進捗 %BAR%" -g 50
修論進捗 | ##############------ | 74.0%