This plugin is based on the original Comment Reply Notification plugin and the modified code from Nose Graze. Now your readers will get a nice email when you (or anyone else) responds to their comments!
Current functionalities:
- Works with latest version of WordPress (4.4.2) and PHP 7
- Adds checkbox to comment form to allow users to opt-out of comment reply notification emails
- Checks if comment is approved and if comment response is by a different user before sending out notification email
- Sends a customized email using built in wp_mail (customization needs to be done in gp-comment-reply.php)
To-do list:
- Add a settings page!
- Blog - Geeky Posh
- Twitter - @geekyposhe
- Dribbble - @geekyposh
- Instagram - @ariesness
- Pinterest - @geekyposh