This work-in-progress kotlin android app will merge photos of faces. Currently, it:
- Takes photos.
- Detects and displays face features.
- Shows onboarding and licence information.
- Does not do database migrations, so data may be lost when upgrading.
It's using:
- ML Kit for face feature detection.
- Firebase Crashlytics for crash reporting.
- Firebase Analytics.
- Fresco for android Bitmap management.
- Circle CI for automated build, test and continuous delivery
- Fastlane to publish the app to google play store as an internal testing release for every commit on the release branch.
- Material Design.
- detekt for kotlin static analysis.
Can just open the project in Android Studio, or use ./gradlew
To use Fastlane (for publishing the app):
- Install rbenv.
- Install ruby-build as an rbenv plugin.
- Create a Google Play store API key:
- Rename the Google Play store API key to google-play-service.json and put it in the top-level source-code directory.
- Run:
. ./environment
fastlane --help
- Create projects for the app in the Firebase console - one for each flavour.
- Download the google-services.json files from the Firebase console and put them in the location indicated by the symlinks in the app/src/product/ and app/src/develop/ directories.
- In CircleCI project's Environment Variables settings, add a GOOGLE_SERVICES environment variable with its value set to the output of:
base64 --wrap=0 ../merging-secrets/firebase/product/google-services.json && echo
- Add GOOGLE_SERVICES_DEVELOP environment variable with its value set to the output of:
base64 --wrap=0 ../merging-secrets/firebase/develop/google-services.json && echo
- For play store API access key, add GOOGLE_PLAY_SERVICE_JSON environment variable with its value set to the output of:
base64 --wrap=0 google-play-service.json && echo
- Set RELEASE_KEY_PASSWORD to android release key's password (the store and key passwords must be the same).
- Set RELEASE_KEYSTORE to output of:
base64 --wrap=0 release.keystore && echo
- Set fine-grained GITHUB_TOKEN generated from Need RW permission for Contents.
Google require an https-hosted privacy policy. They also require the policy to appear in the app. The policy is hosted from this repo using github pages. The same html is also included in the app using a WebView via a symlink.
- Development is done on "develop" branch.
- Releases are made from "release" branch (automatically, see below).
Releases to the play store are done automatically from the "release" branch using a Circle CI job and fastlane.
- Commit changelog to a new file in fastlane/metadata/android/en-GB/changelogs. Do this from the develop branch, prior to merging to release. The highest-numbered changelog file sets the android app's version number.
- Wait for develop branch to be tested, otherwise github blocks pushes to the release branch.
- Run the following commands:
git checkout release
git pull
git merge --no-ff origin/develop # The commit message appears as release notes for github release, so copy from fastlane changelog file.
git push
git checkout develop