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Regular Language -> NFA -> DFA simulation. Regular expression engine that matches patterns against input strings

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Mini Regex

A simple regular expression engine that parses regular expressions, converts them into an NFA(non-deterministic finite automata) and runs it on input strings to find matches.

Patterns supported:

  • ab -- union
  • a|b -- or
  • a* -- Kleene star (0 or more matches)
  • . -- Metachar
  • (ab(c|d))|e -- nested expressions
  • [^A-Zabc0-9] -- regex classes with range and negation
  • ? -- 0 or 1 match
  • + -- 1 or more matches
  • \\. -- Backslash to escape special chars

Context Free Grammar for mini regex:

Exp -> Term Exp`
Exp`-> '|'Exp | empty
Term -> Factor Term`
Term`-> Term | empty
Factor -> C Factor`
Factor`-> '*'|'?'|'+'| empty
C -> CharType | ( Exp )
CharType -> Class | Char | MetaChar
Char -> All ascii chars not including metachars or metachars with front slash
MetaChars -> . | \\b | '|' | * | ? | + | ( | ) | [ | ]
Class -> '[' InnerClass ']' | '[^' InnerClass ']'
InnerClass -> Range | ClassChars
Range -> ClassChars - ClassChars
ClassChars -> Ascii chars, no special chars

To run tests:

$ python3 -m unittest discover -s test/

To run example:

$ python3

Implementation Details:

  • Uses a handmade recursive descent parser (because it would be cheating to use regular expressions in a parser for regular expressions)
  • As the parser goes through the pattern, it uses thompsons constructions (see the wikipedia article linked in, to build up a Non-Deterministic-Finite-Automata (NFA). See more here
  • A traditional regex only supports the (implicit) concat operator, pipe/union operator, and the kleene star operator. To get around this, I use predicate-based "transitions" between nodes (see that allows me to support things like metachars, and regex character classes. Other ops (+, ?) are derived using the three basic operations above.
  • When run, an NFA can be in multiple states simultaneously. Some implementations use backtracking to handle this. Instead, I used what I called a "DFA State" which holds a set of NFA substates that are "active". Each new input character (from the string being searched) either kills or advances each substate in this set. When advanced, a substate also spawns multiple new substates, for each of the nfa's nodes reachable by only epsilon transitions from the current node. "epsilon" transitions.
  • If at anypoint the DFAState holds a substate that is the NFA's endstate, the DFARunner has found a "matching string".
  • If at anypoint the DFAState no longer holds any active substates, the DFARunner is completed
  • The is_greedy property of the MiniRegex class (true by default) determines whether the DFARunner needs to be "complete" before returning a match that has been found.


  • groups
  • ^ match at the beginning
  • $ match at the end of the string$
  • \w, \W, \b...etc whitespace and newline escapes


Regular Language -> NFA -> DFA simulation. Regular expression engine that matches patterns against input strings






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