Take what's in a Docker image and make it into a bootable UEFI disk image.
An example:
sudo \
./target/debug/docker_to_uefi_bootable_image \
create \
--image-name debian:latest \
--output-file debian.img \
--disk-size 2 \
--root-passwd nNGQlzZxBYxBmPIgpEP5ezgbqPb4L2R4 \
--flavor debian
Test with QEMU:
sudo qemu-system-x86_64 \
-m 2g \
-bios /usr/share/OVMF/OVMF_CODE.fd \
-drive file=debian.img,if=virtio,format=raw
sudo \
./target/debug/docker_to_uefi_bootable_image \
create \
--image-name mongo:4 \
--output-file mongo.img \
--disk-size 8 \
--root-passwd mongo \
--flavor ubuntu
Note that this will currently not give you an image that boots and runs Mongo, there's a bunch of manual work that's required, but the image will contain all the installed software.
Only tested with Xubuntu.