The official Android application for Coinbase.
- Send/request bitcoin payments using email, QR codes, or NFC
- Buy and sell bitcoin right from your mobile phone
- View transaction history, details, and balance
- See prices in BTC or your native currency
- Support for multiple accounts
- 100% open source - contributions welcome
- Revoke access remotely if you lose your phone.
To build the Android app in Eclipse:
git clone [email protected]:coinbase/coinbase-android.git
- Open Eclipse and go to File > Import... > Android > Existing Code into Android Workspace
- Choose the root directory of the cloned project
- Deselect all projects and only add: coinbase-android, library-actionbarsherlock, library-slidingmenu
- Go to Window > Android SDK Manager and check the box to install "Google APIs" under Android 4.2.2 (this is needed for SlidingMenu)
- The project should now build!
We welcome crowdsourced translations! Just submit a pull request including the edited files. Create a new folder
where xx is your language code and XX is your country code (a partial list can be found at
Copy and paste the coinbase-android/res/values/strings.xml
file into the new folder, and edit the file to add your translations. Thanks!