This premium add-on provides a public version of accessing products, categories, tags, attributes and even reviews from your WooCommerce store without authentication.
CoCart Products is a commercial plugin that is available with CoCart Pro from
The plugin is hosted here on a public GitHub repository in order to better facilitate community contributions from developers and users alike.
If you have a suggestion, a bug report, or a patch for an issue, feel free to submit it here.
I do ask, however, that if you are using the plugin on a live site that you please purchase a valid license from the website. I cannot provide support to anyone that does not hold a valid license key.
Thank you.
Head over here:
- Return all published products.
- Return an individual product.
- Return an individual variable product and all it's variations in one request.
- Return all product categories.
- Return all product tags.
- Return all product attributes.
- Return a product attribute terms.
- Return all product reviews.
- Return an individual product review.
- Create a product review. (Requires customer to use same email address used for ordering the product)
- No authentication required.
You will need to be using CoCart v2.0 or higher before installing this add-on.
Download the latest release and upload to your WordPress dashboard via the plugins page and then activate.
If you have a patch or have stumbled upon an issue with CoCart Products, you can contribute this back to the code. Please read the contributor guidelines for more information how you can do this.
CoCart Products is released under GNU General Public License v3.0.
CoCart Products is developed and maintained by Sébastien Dumont. · GitHub @seb86 · Twitter @sebd86