A helper script for mitmproxy to decode protobuf serialized requests and responses. It also parses the GetMapObjects responses into a geojson format file that can be viewed using the 'ui'. The ui is completely clientside, so it should be hostable with any static file server (I use 'http-server').
Requires mitmproxy, protobuf, geojson, numpy
mitmdump -p 8888 -s decode.py "~d pgorelease.nianticlabs.com"
cd idl; ls -1 *.proto | while read filename; do protoc --python_out ../protocol/ $filename; done
cd idl; ls *.proto | ForEach-Object { Invoke-Expression "protoc --proto_path '$($_.DirectoryName)' --python_out ../protocol/ '$($_.FullName)'" }
cd idl; ls *.proto | ForEach-Object { Invoke-Expression "protoc --proto_path '$($_.DirectoryName)' -o ../descriptors/$($_.Name).desc '$($_.FullName)'" }