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Introducing Mediate
- First, visit If you have already signed up for Mediate, enter your username and password, otherwise click Sign Up.
- Upon login, you are taken directly to the dashboard. What comes next depends on if you are uploading and working on a new video, or if you are annotating one posted by another person such as a professor for your class. If you are not uploading a new video, skip to step 2b below.
- 2a. Upload and tag a new video To get started using Mediate with a new video, you first have to create a Project, which comprises one or more videos you will be tagging, and assign (or create) a Schema, which is a collection of keywords that can be tagged in a video. In Media, you can upload the video you will be annotating. All three of these tasks are done from the Admin interface, which is accessed in the user menu in the upper right. Once your video has been uploaded and associated with a project and schema, proceed as below.
- 2b. Annotate an already-uploaded video
On the dashboard (which is the landing page once you login), scroll down to the video you will be working on, and click the blue Annotate button. The annotation interface should load in your browser window, resembling the image below.
- On the top left (highlighted in red) is the toolbar, and underneath the toolbar is the annotations panel, highlighted in blue. Along the bottom you will find the player controls.
- Select Schema: This opens a drop-down menu where a marker schema can be chosen for this video.
- Select Markers: This opens a tray along the bottom where a marker can be made active for adding to the video timeline. For this to work, a schema must be selected first.
- Add Marker: This inserts the selected marker(s) at the current timestamp displayed in the player area. This marker will be listed in the annotations column on the left side of the window.
- Toggle Info: this opens a drop down showing the currently-active markers and their associated keyboard shortcuts.
- Filter Markers: this opens a drop-down menu where the markers currently shown in the annotations column can be filtered by user, schema, or marker.
- Get Shared Link: This generates a link to a page showing the video with your annotations, and copies the link to the clipboard so the page can be easily shared with others.
Mediate is a tool for adding annotations to videos. To add these annotations, the schema needs to be activated first by clicking Select Schema, and choosing a schema in the drop down menu that opens.
Next, click Select Markers, and in the tray that opens, click on a marker, and then click Use Marker to activate it.
Now that a marker has been activated it can be used to annotate the video timeline. While the video is playing, click Add Marker to add the currently-activated markers to the current spot in the timeline. A notification should appear saying that the marker was saved, and the marker should now appear in the annotations panel.
Each of the markers can be assigned keyboard shortcuts to quickly add them while the video is playing. To do this, click Select Markers, choose a marker, and in the entry for that marker that appears, type a keystroke to be used as a shortcut, and click the save button.
Markers added to the video are listed in the annotations panel on the left side of the interface. Clicking on one of the markers will jump to the corresponding time in the video. Markers created by you can be removed by pointing your mouse on the marker, clicking the drop-down icon that appears, and selecting Remove.
Notes that add additional information about the marker can be added from the annotations panel as well. To add a note, point your mouse to one of the markers, click on the drop-down icon, that appears, and select Add Note. In the notes area that appears, add the note and click Save. When scrolling through the annotations panel, your note should now be displayed when clicking on the marker. Underneath it is a blue View Thread button, which displays notes added by you and other users on this particular marker. In the thread view, you can also add additional notes, and comment on notes added by other users.
Markers displayed in the annotation panel can be filtered by Schema, Marker name, or by the user that added them. To show or hide markers, click Filter Markers. Items that can be shown or hidden have an eye button next to them, which can be clicked to toggle their visibility. For example, to show just one marker, click on the bullet icon next to its associated schema to list all of the markers, and then click on the eye buttons next to the other markers to hide them. Filters are useful for keeping the annotations panel tidy while you aren working, by limiting annotations to just those added by a professor in a class--perhaps in just a single marker category, or to see only the markers added by you.