Hi, I’m Johann. A developer with an aesthetic sense.
My current focus is on the Nuxt and Vue development experience.
- unlazy: 🪧 Universal lazy loading library for placeholder images leveraging native browser APIs
- apiful: 🍷 Extensible, typed API tooling — from generated OpenAPI clients to server-side utilities, for any JavaScript runtime
- @nuxtjs/plausible: 🎟️ Plausible Analytics integration for Nuxt
- nuxt-api-party: 🐬 Securely connect to any API with a server proxy and generated composables
- nuxt-prepare: 🦎 Build actions for Nuxt
- nuxt-vitalizer: 🪿 Instantly better LCP scores in Google Lighthouse
- nuxt-kql: 🫧 Kirby's Query Language API for Nuxt
- nuxt-gtag: 🔸 Google Analytics & Ads integration made easy
- vue-stickers: 🍦 One component, multiple fancy sticker variants
- @byjohann/vue-i18n: 🌐 Lightweight internationalization plugin for Vue
- @unocss/cli: 🎨 The CLI for UnoCSS. A perfect fit for traditional backends.
- nitro-test-utils: 🧪 Testing environment and utilities for Nitro
- pdfjs-serverless: 🪭 Serverless build of PDF.js for Deno, workers, and other nodeless environments
- kirbyup: 🆙 Official bundler for Kirby Panel plugins
- kirbyuse: 🎛️ Collection of Vue Composition utilities and typed
for Kirby CMS
- unpdf: 📄 Utilities to work with PDFs in Node.js, browser and workers
- tokenx: 📐 GPT token estimation and context size utilities without a full tokenizer
- resultx: 🤝 Minimalist, strongly-typed result pattern for TypeScript
- cacao-kit-frontend: 🍫 Best practice Nuxt and KQL starter for your headless Kirby CMS
- kirby-headless-starter: 🦭 Headless Kirby starter – KQL, Express-esque middlewares & more
- kirby-nuxt-starterkit: 💚 Kirby's sample site – ported to Nuxt 3 and KirbyQL
- kirby-copilot: 🪁 Your everyday AI companion for the Kirby Panel
- kirby-content-translator: 🌐 Translate your content with DeepL, in the Panel or via CLI commands
- kirby-seo-audit: 🏃 State-of-the-art SEO analysis for Kirby CMS
- kirby-live-preview: 🪩 Real-time page preview in the Kirby Panel
- kirby-serp-preview: 🔍 Kirby Panel plugin for search engine result page previews
- kirby-headless: 🦭 Kirby, but headless first with bearer token authentication and KQL utilities
- kirby-algolia-docsearch: 🔦 Index and search your Kirby site with Algolia DocSearch