Provide cloud torrent service; users set folder names as magnet links, files torrented and uploaded.
This tool is designed to let you easily start torrents remotely and recieve the resulting files, or to allow friends and family who might be intimidated by bittorrent software the chance to use your setup to easily torrent things for themselves.
User instructions:
- Create account, provide host with your login information.
- Wait for new folder 'TorrentToCloud' to appear in your Mega account
- Create a new folder with the magnet link for your desired torrent as its name.
- A folder with your completed download will appear.
Host instructions:
- Install Megatools, 7Zip, Python 2.7, Deluge, deluge-console, and deluged.
- Add paths to these in config file, like this (substitute own file paths):
[file] DelugeInstall: C:\Program Files (x86)\Deluge MegatoolsInstall: C:\Users\Username\Downloads\megatools-1.9.97-win32 7ZipInstall: C:\Program Files\7-Zip [other] interval_seconds: 120 zip_files: True
Or, alternately, leave these fields blank if your path variable is set to include those directories (this should happen by default on Linux).
3 . Add all client's Mega username and password to the spreadsheet 'accounts.csv' (comma separated)
4 . Open Deluge, go to preferences > interface and disable Classic Mode, then restart Deluge and click 'Start Daemon'.
5 . Open a command prompt/terminal, change directory to the folder containing, and run the command 'python'