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These files aren't guaranteed to be fully function, as the final debugged code may be property of my past clients.

Smart Picker Code

Option Explicit

Public WithEvents txtBox As MSForms.TextBox
Public WithEvents lstBox As MSForms.ListBox
Const m_sNames As String = "Names!$A$1:$A$69"

Private Sub lstBox_Click()
' process when item in list is selected
    [testcell] = lstBox
End Sub

Private Sub txtBox_Change()
' process when text is typed into textbox
End Sub

Sub Update_ListBox()
' load listbox with all names containing typed letters
    Const sMismatch As String = "no"
    ' get array indicating all matching and non-matching items.
    ' for each item, array contains "no" if no match, or person-name if match

    ' for example, if "g" is typed, parses to:
    ' TRANSPOSE(IFERROR(IF(SEARCH("*g*", Names!$A$1:$A$69), Names!$A$1:$A$69),"no"))

    ' returns array with 1 for each match, error-code for all others
    ' SEARCH("*g*", Names!$A$1:$A$69)

    ' substitutes the person-name for each match
    ' IF( [previous-step] Names!$A$1:$A$69)

    ' substitute "no" for all error-codes (mismatches)
    ' IFERROR( [previous step], "no")

    ' transpose, needed for Filter and listbox
    ' TRANSPOSE ( [previous step] )
    Dim arbMatches()
    arbMatches = Application.Evaluate("TRANSPOSE(IFERROR(IF(SEARCH(""*" & txtBox.Value & "*"", " _
        & m_sNames & "), " & m_sNames & "),""" & sMismatch & """))")
    Dim arSelected
    arSelected = Filter(arbMatches, sMismatch, False)
    lstBox.List = arSelected
End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
' set up form
    ' must programmatically add controls, to ensure good rendering on Mac/Windows
    Const lWidth As Long = 200
    Width = lWidth + 5
    ' set up textbox
    Set txtBox = Controls.Add("Forms.TextBox.1", "TextBox1")
    With txtBox
        .Width = lWidth
        .Font.Size = 12
        .Height = 20
        .TabIndex = 0
    End With
    ' set up listbox
    Set lstBox = Controls.Add("Forms.ListBox.1", "ListBox1")
    With lstBox
        .Width = lWidth
        ' must load array variable first. Fails if try to pass sheet fx directly into .List
        ' must transpose a vertical range for .List
        Dim arList
        arList = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(Sheet1.Range(m_sNames))
        .List = arList
        .Top = 22
        .Font.Size = 11
        ' this sequence is required, in this exact order, to ensure last item in list is visible.
        .IntegralHeight = False
        ' must subtract height of titlebar and borders, so list doesn't fall off form.
        .Height = Me.Height - 47
        .IntegralHeight = True
    End With

End Sub

Handler Excerpt

Option Explicit


Sub RaiseErr()
' re-raises current error object
' needed by global error handler, after On Error GoTo
' see modHandlerExamples
     If Not ErrorState Then Exit Sub
     With Err
          .Raise .Number, .Source, .Description
     End With
End Sub

Function ErrorState() As Boolean
     ErrorState = (Err <> 0)
End Function

Function Tween(dMin As Double, dVal As Double, dMax As Double) As Boolean
' "Between" fx
     Tween = (dMin < dVal) And (dVal < dMax)
End Function

Sub Handle_Error()
' display alert with appropriate style and messages
     ' determine correct alert-style based on error-number
     If Not ErrorState Then Exit Sub
     Dim lAlertStyle As VbMsgBoxStyle
     If IsCustomErrNum Then
          ' custom error, convert to legal alert style
          lAlertStyle = CAlertStyle
          ' unexpected or non-custom (system) error, assume fatal
          lAlertStyle = vbCritical
     End If
     ' display source only if unexpected fatal error
     Dim sSrcMsg As String
     sSrcMsg = IIf(lAlertStyle = vbCritical, "[" & Err.Source & "]" & vbNewLine, "")
     ' diplay alert
     Msg sSrcMsg & Err.Description, lAlertStyle
End Sub

Function Msg(sBody As String, Optional lStyle As VbMsgBoxStyle = vbInformation, Optional sTitle As String)
' simplifies alerts. Handles title and screen updating
     ' determine title by lStyle
     If (sTitle = vbNullString) Then sTitle = CAlertTitle(lStyle)
     ' get screen-updating, to restore after alert
     Dim bUpdatingScreen As Boolean
     bUpdatingScreen = Application.ScreenUpdating
     Application.ScreenUpdating = True
     MsgBox sBody, lStyle, sTitle
     Application.ScreenUpdating = bUpdatingScreen
End Function








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