Releases: jrgparkinson/mushy-layer
Code and input files for Europa simulations
To accompany paper by @jbuffo
Minor change to previous release (in, attempting to generate a valid DOI.
Code and input files for Europa simulations
To accompany paper by @jbuffo
Identical to previous release, attempting to generate a valid DOI.
Code and input files for Europa simulations
To accompany paper by @jbuffo
October 2020
Snapshot of code from October 2020 for DOI purposes.
Have collected up all the most recent code features from the development branch, checked all the test problems still work, and finally christened the code: Solidification, Flow and Thermodynamics in Binary ALLoys (SOFTBALL).
The most useful new features pertain to the availability of boundary conditions, as documented in /docs/
There are also a bunch of example input scripts in /examples/ which will hopefully be useful for people.
This release should contain the necessary options for running Enceladus simulations. Keeping this separate from the main branch until the methods paper goes through review and is published.
Methods Paper
This release contains the code to support the paper detailing this method, which is about to be submitted.