A game of blackjack written with React in a functional style.
- Redux (Redux-Thunk)
- Ramda
- Tachyons
- React Router
- deckofcardsapi.com
- Setup
- index.js
- App.js
- store.js
- home.js
- layout.js
- header.js
- button.js
- New Game
- Controls
- ControlContainer (NewGame)
- ActionCreators (NewGame)
- lib (createDeck)
- lib (drawCard)
- store (game, player, dealer reducers)
- Player Component
- PlayersHand Container
- Dealer Component
- DealersHand Container
- Hit
- Controls (add Button)
- ControlContainer (hit)
- ActionCreators (hit)
- lib (getScore)
- Stay
- Controls (add Button)
- ControlsContainer (stay)
- ActionCreators (stay)
- lib (drawFive)
- Scoreboard
- Component (status, wins)
- Container