this project aim to provide a collaborative instance runing in a docker container ready to deploy as a single container or in a composer file The image is based on official node:carbon-stretch on debian and compiled on build
These instructions will get you a fully functional container with an c9 editor ready to use in a project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
this container is intended only for internal and small scale use if you need a more robust and well supported web IDE infrastruture please refer to -
docker-compose (if needed)
docker build -t juanitomint/c9collab:latest .
In order to edit a directory all you need to do is to mount a volume pointing to /workspace in the container, and give a port on the host to listen so for launch an editor in the current working directory and port 9191
docker run -it --rm \
-v $(pwd):/workspace \
-p 9191:80 \
The container use 2 environment variables to set user and password needed to login into C9 ide by default:
If you don't set this environment variables they will be by default:
user: developer
passwd: developer
So for
user: johndoe
passwd: johnpassword
docker run -it --rm \
-v $(pwd):/workspace \
-e "C9_USER=johndoe" \
-e "C9_PASSWD=johnpassword" \
-p 9191:80 \
in orther to deploy this container into composer file set service like this:
image: juanitomint/c9collab:latest
# set your dependencies so it wont start until other services started
- web
#set environment (optional)
- c9_USER : "johndoe"
- c9_PASSWD : "johpassword"
#map ports to host (optional if you use reverse proxy or other method)
- "9191:80"
#mount shared volumes for shared project and if needed ssh keys for git to work
- www:/workspace
- ssh/:/root/.ssh
- C9 core - The awesome c9 core IDE
- docker official node - Node.js is a JavaScript-based platform for server-side and networking applications.
Feel free to fork and make merge request to this repo
- Borda Juan Ignacio - Initial work - juanitomint
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details
- C9 crew for their great work and fast response (Harutyun Amirjanyan and Jeff Ruben Daniels)
- nodejs community
- docker community