This project installs a vault helper (LINUX and Darwin ONLY)
With the command kvault-env you can run containers with secrets the same way you do in kubernetes with Banzai Mutating Webhook
make install
kvault-env will pick up secrets path from a dot env file
and inject the secrets to the the command
kvault-env docker-compose up
INFO[0000] spawning process:
INFO[0000] spawning process: [docker-compose up] app=vault-env
Starting vault-env-helper_db_1 ...
Starting vault-env-helper_adminer_1 ...
Starting vault-env-helper_podinfo_1 ...
make uninstall
spin up a local vault instance using docker
export VAULT_ADDR=''
make install
make vault-up
vault login devtoken
make vault-secret
make test-docker
Dcocker compose will spin up a database, adminer and podinfo
you can use podman to check environment variables passed to container
or access the db using adminer
install Installs binaries to ${TARGET_DIR}
printvars Print Variables for building and versioning
test-docker Spin up a docker-compose with 3 containers (see
test-printvars Runs a simple printvars test retreiving secrets
uninstall Removes binaries from ${TARGET_DIR}
vault-down Removes docker vault container
vault-secret Create a new version of secrets
vault-up Spin up a vault development server use it with export VAULT_ADDR=''