Spytify 1.8
- Spotify API keys can be added in User Interface (UI)
- Added subtitle tag to mp3, used for extra title and toggle feature #229
- Recording session now runs in a task, recorder starts quicker #251
- Prevent computer from going to sleep
- Updated UI console and button colors to match Spotify UI
- Added all performers as artist in the filename #249
- Grouping by artist now also creates a folder for the album #261
- Try to re fetch metadata when it fails
- Possible to records everything, including ads #282
- Multi-channel audio fallback to stereo instead of crashing #97
- Sample Rate fallback to 48k instead of crashing #97
- Fixed language selection that was not saved #257
- Updated id3 tags
- Updated SpotifyAPI
- Spytfiy app title now appears in task manager and task bar
- Improved lastfm api queries
- Fixed exception report by mail
- Better resources disposal
- Fixed SpotifyAPI concurrence with current track #250
- Do not keep recording if the track is an endless track due to Spotify being frozen or at sleep.
- Clear Spotify Audio Session once the session ends
- Stop recording if Spotify switch to another audio device
- Fixed file encoding too fast #270
- Maxed out Spytify volume when spying to match Spotify volume
- Fixed console and file names to support special characters #273