A map browser leveraging the leaflet javascript library and MODS metadata to generate maps based on search results for Islandora.
- Create a directory called leaflet in sites/all/libraries
- cd to the leaflet directory, download the zip file and unzip it
- Download the zip file.
- Install in sites/all/libraries/Leaflet.markercluster-leaflet-0.7
Leaflet uses map quest maps that now require a key. A free key that allows 15,000 hits a month can be downloaded by signing up here: https://developer.mapquest.com/plans There is a field in the configuration to add this key.
This module has been tested with solr version 3.6.2 and fedora 3.5.
To enable Islandora Map Browse you will need to configure gsearch to index mods so a lat lon location fields is available. If you are using the standard islandora VM, then you should have a Solr field that is <mods_subject_cartographics_coordinates_ms> and should contain the latitutde,longitude coordinate data.
Before Browse Map will work you need to generate a static map file. This is done to avoid having a new solr query run everytime someone browses the collection as this was found to be slow for large collections.
There are several configuration settings you should review and the module configuration is available on this drupal path - admin/islandora/mapbrowse.
- Islandora Base URL - http://yourFedoraHostname.ca
- Islandora base prefix - everything before the PID
- Fedora base thumbnail suffix - everything after the PID for the thumbnail view
- Solr coordinate field - the solr field containing the lat, long
- Solr Title field - the solr field containing the title
- Fields to return from solr - these are shown below the thumbnail on the map popup. If a field does not exist for a record it is ignored. Fields need to be added in the following format: Field Name1, field.solr1 | Field Name2, field.solr2. Commas separate Field names from solr fields, | separate each field.
- Default map centre - the center of the world as you know it.
- Maximum items to render - for safety, returning extra items is not yet handled
After enabling the Islandora Map Browse module two new secondary display profiles are made available in the Solr Index configuration.
- View all search results on map which displays all the search results on a map
- Single paged map view which display the current search results page on a map
Selecting one of these secondary displays adds a folded map icon to the search results. Selecting the icon launches the map display.
Once these are set up you should get a map. If not check out the solr document that is returned as ensure that the field names are correct.
- Enable Colorbox load