- mhec.py
- Tested on AdaFruit Feather HUZZAH with 8266 (https://www.adafruit.com/products/2821) running MicroPython esp8266-20160909-v1.8.4.bin (http://micropython.org/download/#esp8266)
- Support JSON, RAW data inputs and Indexer acknowledgment
- Reference: http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/6.4.2/Data/UsetheHTTPEventCollector
- Disclaimer: This is not an official Splunk solution and with no liability. Use at your own risk.
- For feedback and bug report, please send to [email protected]
- Other supporting files
- mhttp.py: Demo class for HTTP POST, SSL is not supported.
- mMCP9808.py: Demo class for I2C temperature sensor breakout, https://www.adafruit.com/products/1782
- hecJsontest.py: Usage example
First step. Import the Class
import mhec
Option 1. JSON Data payload
mhec.hecJson(String: indexer ip address,String: port,String: token)
mhec.submit(String: sourcetype,String: source,Json: event)
myHEC = mhec.hecJson("","8088","75475867-EE4F-4357-BBA3-03F1D66F3697")
Option 2. RAW Data payload
hec.mhecRaw(String: index ip address,String: port,String: token)
hec.submit(String: raw event)
myHEC = mhec.hecRaw("","8088","75475867-EE4F-4357-BBA3-03F1D66F3697")
myHec.submit("Raw event data example")
Optional Indexer Acknowledgment: support both hecRaw and hecJson
ackId = myHEC.submit("10dof","sensorData.py",eventData)
- ackId: -1 indicates Indexer Acknowledgment is disabled on the indexer. Number > 0 is the acknowledgment number of the transfer
To query if the payload of specific acknowledgment number is indexed, e.g.
respRack = hec0.queryAck([5581,5582])
- ackEvent: an array of acknowledgment number
- respRack: a json object containing the result of the acknowledgment number status
For details, please refer to Splunk Documentation
- Note: Event timestamp is the time when the event is submitted, not the time it is received by Indexer.
Other supporting methods
setIndexer(String: indexer ip address)
setIndexerPort(String: indexer port)
setGUID(String: guid)
- Note: the class come with a fixed, default GUID. It's recommended to assign new GUID for a dedicated data channel
setHost(String: Value of the meta field 'host')
- Note: default is the mac address
setToken(String: Token of the HEC channel)