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opimize i18n code
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jzfai committed Nov 20, 2022
1 parent 7350191 commit 37992db
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Showing 19 changed files with 348 additions and 287 deletions.
15 changes: 8 additions & 7 deletions src/App.vue
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,20 +1,21 @@
<el-config-provider :locale="locale" namespace="el" :size="size">
<el-config-provider :locale="lang[language]" namespace="el" :size="size">
<router-view />
<script setup lang="ts">
<script setup>
import { onBeforeMount, onMounted } from 'vue'
import zhCn from 'element-plus/lib/locale/lang/zh-cn'
//element-plus lang
import zh from 'element-plus/lib/locale/lang/zh-cn'
import en from 'element-plus/es/locale/lang/en'
import { storeToRefs } from 'pinia/dist/pinia'
import { useBasicStore } from '@/store/basic'
import { useConfigStore } from '@/store/config'
import { useErrorLog } from '@/hooks/use-error-log'
const locale = ref(zhCn) //中文
// import en from 'element-plus/lib/locale/lang/en'
// let locale = ref(en) //english
const lang = { zh, en }
const { settings } = storeToRefs(useBasicStore())
const { size } = storeToRefs(useConfigStore())
const { size, language } = storeToRefs(useConfigStore())
onBeforeMount(() => {
//set tmp token when setting isNeedLogin false
if (!settings.value.isNeedLogin) useBasicStore().setToken(settings.value.tmpToken)
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/hooks/use-common.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ const { t, te } =
import langEn from '@/lang/en'
export const langTitle = (title) => {
for (const key of Object.keys(langEn)) {
if (te(`${key}.${title}`)) {
if (te(`${key}.${title}`) && t(`${key}.${title}`)) {
return t(`${key}.${title}`)
Expand Down
165 changes: 0 additions & 165 deletions src/lang/en.js

This file was deleted.

163 changes: 163 additions & 0 deletions src/lang/en.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
export default {
router: {
Dashboard: '',
'Setting Switch': '',
'Error Log': '',
'Error Index': '',
'Error Generator': '',

Nested: '',
Menu1: '',
'Menu1-1': '',
'Menu1-2': '',
'Menu1-2-1': '',
'Menu1-2-2': '',
'Menu1-3': '',
menu2: '',

'External Link': '',

'Basic Demo': '',
Hook: '',
Pinia: '',
Mock: '',
'Svg Icon': '',
'Parent Children': '',
'Second KeepAlive': '',
'Tab KeepAlive': '',
'Third KeepAlive': '',
SecondChild: '',
ThirdChild: '',

Worker: '',

Permission: '',

'Permission Switch': '',
'Role Index': '',
'Code Index': '',
'Button Permission': ''
navbar: {
Home: '',
Github: '',
Docs: '',
'login out': ''

dashboard: {
'switch theme': '',
'switch size': '',
'switch language': '',
en: 'English',
zh: '中文',
'Button Group': '',
'unocss using': '',
'global var': ''
'error-log': {
log: '',
pageUrl: '',
startDate: '',
endDate: '',
github: '',
search: '',
reset: '',
multiDel: ''
permission: {
addRole: '',
editPermission: '',
roles: '',
switchRoles: '',
'在某些情况下,不适合使用 v-permission。例如:Element-UI 的 el-tab 或 el-table-column 以及其它动态渲染 dom 的场景。你只能通过手动设置 v-if 来实现。',
delete: '删除',
confirm: '确定',
cancel: '取消'
guide: {
description: '引导页对于一些第一次进入项目的人很有用,你可以简单介绍下项目的功能。本 Demo 是基于',
button: '打开引导'
components: {
documentation: '文档',
'由于我司业务有特殊需求,而且要传七牛 所以没用第三方,选择了自己封装。代码非常的简单,具体代码你可以在这里看到 @/components/Dropzone',
stickyTips: '当页面滚动到预设的位置会吸附在顶部',
backToTopTips1: '页面滚动到指定位置会在右下角出现返回顶部按钮',
'可自定义按钮的样式、show/hide、出现的高度、返回的位置 如需文字提示,可在外部使用Element的el-tooltip元素',
table: {
dynamicTips1: '固定表头, 按照表头顺序排序',
dynamicTips2: '不固定表头, 按照点击顺序排序',
dragTips1: '默认顺序',
dragTips2: '拖拽后顺序',
title: '标题',
importance: '重要性',
type: '类型',
remark: '点评',
search: '搜索',
add: '添加',
export: '导出',
reviewer: '审核人',
id: '序号',
date: '时间',
author: '作者',
readings: '阅读数',
status: '状态',
actions: '操作',
edit: '编辑',
publish: '发布',
draft: '草稿',
delete: '删除',
cancel: '取 消',
confirm: '确 定'
example: {
'创建和编辑页面是不能被 keep-alive 缓存的,因为keep-alive 的 include 目前不支持根据路由来缓存,所以目前都是基于 component name 来进行缓存的。如果你想类似的实现缓存效果,可以使用 localStorage 等浏览器缓存方案。或者不要使用 keep-alive 的 include,直接缓存所有页面。详情见'
errorLog: {
tips: '请点击右上角bug小图标',
'现在的管理后台基本都是spa的形式了,它增强了用户体验,但同时也会增加页面出问题的可能性,可能一个小小的疏忽就导致整个页面的死锁。好在 Vue 官网提供了一个方法来捕获处理异常,你可以在其中进行错误处理或者异常上报。',
documentation: '文档介绍'
excel: {
export: '导出',
selectedExport: '导出已选择项',
placeholder: '请输入文件名(默认excel-list)'
zip: {
export: '导出',
placeholder: '请输入文件名(默认file)'
pdf: {
tips: '这里使用 window.print() 来实现下载pdf的功能'
theme: {
change: '换肤',
documentation: '换肤文档',
tips: 'Tips: 它区别于 navbar 上的 theme-pick, 是两种不同的换肤方法,各自有不同的应用场景,具体请参考文档。'
tagsView: {
refresh: '刷新',
close: '关闭',
closeOthers: '关闭其它',
closeAll: '关闭所有'
settings: {
title: '系统布局配置',
theme: '主题色',
tagsView: '开启 Tags-View',
fixedHeader: '固定 Header',
sidebarLogo: '侧边栏 Logo'
File renamed without changes.

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