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Kadena EVM Sandbox

This repository presents a preview of the upcoming support for the EVM in the Kadena blockchain.

The sandbox includes the following components:

  • A docker compose project for a Kadena development network. The network runs a Chainweb with twenty chains.

    Two chains use the EVM as payload provider for processing transactions. The remaining 18 chains use a minimal payload provider that does not support any user transactions.

    The network runs a single Chainweb node along with a single mining client. PoW consensus is disabled and blocks are produced at a constant rate of two seconds per per chain, or ten blocks per second across the whole network.

  • A hardhat Solidity project that demonstrates the implementation of a simple ERC-20 token with support for burn-mint style transfers between the EVM chains in the network.

  • An ethers projects that provides BIP-44 wallets for all allocations in the Genesis block.

  • Docker compose project for running Blockscout instances for the EVM chains in the development network. Blockscout is a blockchain explorer that provides an user experience and API similar to Etherscan.

  • A commandline tool for managing and monitoring the different network components in the Kadena EVM sandbox.

System requirements

For running the development network:

  • docker or a compatible alternative.
  • docker compose or a compatible alternative.
  • At least 4 CPU cores and 8GB of Memory that are available to docker. (Please check the docker configuration if it provides sufficient resources to docker.)
  • Network connection for downloading the container images for the network components.
  • Command line terminal with a POSIX compliant shell.
  • bash installation.
  • jq.

For deploying the Solidity contracts with hardhat:

For running the Blockscout instances:

  • At least 6 CPU cores and 12GB of RAM that are available to docker.

Quick Start

Clone the the Github repository of this project:

git clone
cd kadena-evm-sandbox

When running for the first time it is recommended to pull all container images before starting the network:

./network devnet pull

Start the network:

./network devnet start

Check that blocks are being produced:

./network devnet status

Call the previous command repeatedly and check that the cut height value is increasing.

Explore available commands for managing and monitoring the network:

./network help

When done shut down the network with:

./network devnet stop

If, for some reason, the network gets stuck the chainweb-node can be restarted via:

./network devnet restart

Test Simple Token Contract

Before running the simple token contract tests for the first time one needs to install hardhat. This can be done with the following command.

./network solidity setup

When hardhat is installed the simple token contract can be tested via:

./network solidity test

This will run several tests for contract deployment and cross chain transfers between the two EVM chains.

Network Components

  • chainweb-node
  • chainweb-miner
  • chainweb-evm-chain0
    • software: kadena-reth
    • exported ports: 8545 (HTTP ETH RPC), 8546 (Websocket ETH RPC)
    • Chainweb chain-id: 0
    • Ethereum chain-id: 1789
    • chain specification: ./devnet/config/chainweb-chain0-spec.json
  • chainweb-evm-chain1
    • software: kadena-reth
    • exported ports: 8555 (HTTP ETH RPC), 8556 (Websocket ETH RPC)
    • Chainweb chain-id: 1
    • Ethereum chain-id: 1790
    • chain specification: ./devnet/config/chainweb-chain1-spec.json

Chain Specification

Chains are defined in the files named ./devnet/chainweb-chain{NUM}-spec.json. The Ethereum chain-ids begin at 1789.

All initial accounts are generated from a BIP-44 wallet from a seed entropy value of value of 0x0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 (16 zero bytes).

The allocations in the genesis block use the following path values

  • m/44'/1'/0'/0/0 (address: 0x8849BAbdDcfC1327Ad199877861B577cEBd8A7b6)
  • m/44'/1'/0'/0/1 (address: 0xFB8Fb7f9bdc8951040a6D195764905138F7462Ed)
  • m/44'/1'/0'/0/2 (address: 0x28f2d8ef4e0fe6B2E945cF5C33a0118a30a62354)
  • m/44'/1'/0'/0/3 (address: 0xa24a79678c9fffEF3E9A1f3cb7e51f88F173B3D5)
  • m/44'/1'/0'/0/4 (address: 0x47fAE86F6416e6115a80635238AFd2F18D69926B)
  • m/44'/1'/0'/0/5 (address: 0x87466A8266b9DFB3Dc9180a9c43946c4AB2c2cb2)
  • m/44'/1'/0'/0/6 (address: 0xA310Df9740eb6CC2F5E41C59C87e339142834eA4)
  • m/44'/1'/0'/0/7 (address: 0xD4EECE51cf451b60F59b271c5a748A8a9F16bC01)
  • m/44'/1'/0'/0/8 (address: 0xE08643a1C4786b573d739625FD268732dBB3d033)
  • m/44'/1'/0'/0/9 (address: 0x33018A42499f10B54d9dBCeBB71831C805D64cE3)
  • m/44'/1'/0'/0/10 (address: 0xa3659D39C901d5985450eE18a63B5b0811fDa521)
  • m/44'/1'/0'/0/11 (address: 0x7e99c2f1731D3750b74A2a0623C1F1DcB8cCa45e)
  • m/44'/1'/0'/0/12 (address: 0xFd70Bef78778Ce8554e79D97521b69183960C574)
  • m/44'/1'/0'/0/13 (address: 0xEE2722c39db6014Eacc5FBe43601136825b00977)
  • m/44'/1'/0'/0/14 (address: 0xeDD5a9185F9F1C04a011117ad61564415057bf8F)
  • m/44'/1'/0'/0/15 (address: 0x99b832eb3F76ac3277b00beADC1e487C594ffb4c)
  • m/44'/1'/0'/0/16 (address: 0xda1380825f827C6Ea92DFB547EF0a341Cbe21d77)
  • m/44'/1'/0'/0/17 (address: 0xc201d4A5E6De676938533A0997802634E859e78b)
  • m/44'/1'/0'/0/18 (address: 0x03e95Af0fC4971EdCa12E6d2d1540c28314d15d5)
  • m/44'/1'/0'/0/19 (address: 0x3492DA004098d728201fD82657f1207a6E5426bd)

The above addresses, their private keys, and their starting balances can be viewed with the following command:

./network allocations

The mining accounts are

  • m/44'/1'/1'/0/0 (address: 0xd42d71cdc2A0a78fE7fBE7236c19925f62C442bA)
  • m/44'/1'/1'/0/1 (address: 0x38a6BD13CC381c68751BE2cef97BD79EBcb2Bb31)

Details about how the wallet is generated can be found in the file allocations/wallet.mjs.

Integration into Hardhat Projects

In order to use the devnet with a Hardhat project, the devnet must be configured as a network. Part of configuring the network is making Hardhat aware of the avaialbe accounts. The solidity directory is an example of a very simple Hardhat project with a simple solidity smart contract and a test file. The solidity/hardhat.config.js file is an example of how to configure the devnet as the default hardhat network. It reads in the account details from solidity/devnet-accounts.json. This file contains the accounts used by the devnet. It was generated using the solidity/generate-accounts.mjs script. It also configures the kadena_devent network and sets it as default. The unit tests can then be run with the standard hardhat command:

npx hardhat test

In order for this to work in your own hardhat project, you must copy the solidity/devnet-accounts.json into the root directory of your project. Use the solidity/hardhat.config.js as an example of how to set up your Hardhat Config or just copy it as the starting point for your config. If you have a Hardhat TypeScript project, you can use solidity/hardhat.config.ts.example instead.

With this Hardhat configuration, you can also run deployment scripts. For instance, if you have a deployment script called deploy.js in your scripts directory, you could run it using the standard hardhat command to run scripts:

npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js

If you prefer to keep the hardhat network as your default network and configure kadena_devnet as a separate network for your project, simply remove the following line from the network config in solidity/hardhat.config.js:

defaultNetwork: "kadena_devnet",

and then run unit tests like this:

npx hardhat test --network kadena_devnet

and other scripts like this:

npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network kadena_devnet

Running the same commands without the --network switch will then run them against a hardhat instance. Note that if your smart contracts use any Kadena-specific pre-compiles or other features, running against hardhat may not work.


The EVM chains in network can be explored via Blockscout. Blockscout is a blockchain monitor that provides an UX experience that is similar to Etherscan. For details please take a look at the README.

Before the first use it is recommanded to pull all images before actually starting Blockscout:

./network blockscout pull

The Blockscout instances are then started with:

./network blockscout stop

It can take a while until the the frontend is initialized. In particular, on macos it is faster to start Blockscout before starting the development network.

The Blockscout UIs for the EVM chains are available at the following URLs.

If you get a 502 failure status in your browser the frontend is not yet initialized. This process can take up to several minutes.