A TailwindCSS plugin that gives you fine-grain control over your box-shadows via simple utility classes (including magic utilities for auto-generating beautifully layered/stacked shadows).
Visual Demo Playground: https://play.tailwindcss.com/6rFqo93e6h
Class Syntax: shadow-{x|y}-{theme.boxShadowOffset}
Description: Shifts the shadow's position in the direction you specify
(pulls shadow downwards bytheme.boxShadowOffset.1
(pulls shadow upwards bytheme.boxShadowOffset.2
(pulls shadow to the right by1px
(pulls shadow to the left by3px
via arbitrary values syntax)
Configure: Override/extend offset classes/values via tailwind.config.js
> theme
> extend
> boxShadowOffset
. Learn more about Tailwind theming here.
Default Theme Values:
`theme.boxShadowOffset` defaults to:module.exports = {
/* ... */
theme: {
boxShadowOffset: {
px: "1px",
0: "0",
0.5: "0.125rem",
1: "0.25rem",
1.5: "0.375rem",
2: "0.5rem",
2.5: "0.625rem",
3: "0.75rem",
3.5: "0.875rem",
4: "1rem",
5: "1.25rem",
6: "1.5rem",
7: "1.75rem",
8: "2rem",
Class Syntax: shadow-blur-{theme.boxShadowBlur}
Description: Controls the sharpness/softness of the shadow.
(blurs the shadow bytheme.boxShadowBlur.1
(blurs the shadow bytheme.boxShadowBlur.2
(blurs the shadow by1px
(blurs the shadow by3px
via arbitrary values syntax)
Configure: Override/extend blur classes/values via tailwind.config.js
> theme
> extend
> boxShadowBlur
Default Theme Values:
`theme.boxShadowBlur` defaults to:module.exports = {
/* ... */
theme: {
boxShadowBlur: {
px: "1px",
0: "0",
0.5: "0.125rem",
1: "0.25rem",
1.5: "0.375rem",
2: "0.5rem",
2.5: "0.625rem",
3: "0.75rem",
3.5: "0.875rem",
4: "1rem",
5: "1.25rem",
6: "1.5rem",
7: "1.75rem",
8: "2rem",
9: "2.25rem",
10: "2.5rem",
11: "2.75rem",
12: "3rem",
14: "3.5rem",
16: "4rem",
Class Syntax: shadow-spread-{theme.boxShadowSpread}
Description: Expands or contracts the shadow surface area omnidirectionally
(expands the shadow bytheme.boxShadowSpread.1
(expands the shadow bytheme.boxShadowSpread.2
(contracts the shadow by1px
(contracts the shadow by3px
via arbitrary values syntax)
Configure: Override/extend spread classes/values via tailwind.config.js
> theme
> extend
> boxShadowSpread
Default Theme Values:
`theme.boxShadowSpread` defaults to:module.exports = {
/* ... */
theme: {
boxShadowSpread: {
px: "1px",
0: "0",
0.5: "0.125rem",
1: "0.25rem",
1.5: "0.375rem",
2: "0.5rem",
2.5: "0.625rem",
3: "0.75rem",
3.5: "0.875rem",
4: "1rem",
Class Syntax: shadow-opacity-{theme.boxShadowOpacity}
Description: Shadow colors are still controlled by the built-in shadow-{color}/{opacity}
classes; however, there are scenarios where you may wish to override the opacity without redeclaring the color, in which case you can use the new shadow-opacity-*
(sets shadow color opacity to0.15
(sets shadow color opacity to0
, i.e. fully transparent),shadow-opacity-100
(sets shadow color opacity to1
, i.e. fully opaque),
Configure: Override/extend shadow opacity classes/values via tailwind.config.js
> theme
> extend
> boxShadowOpacity
Default Theme Values:
`theme.boxShadowOpacity` defaults to:module.exports = {
/* ... */
theme: {
boxShadowOpacity: {
0: "0",
5: "5",
10: "10",
15: "15",
/* ... */
100: "100",
Tailwind's built-in shadow-{size}
classes continue to work as is, applying their own default offset + blur + spread values. When present, the new offset/blur/spread classes simply override those defaults. A shadow-{size}
class is actually still required to be used alongside the offset/blur/spread classes, otherwise the box-shadow
property won't be set.
Tailwind Extended Shadows provides a few utility classes to auto-generate shadow "layers" (i.e. shadows stacked on top of each other); layering shadows can help you achieve more realistic, smooth, and/or sharp shadows -- here's a good article that demonstrates its power.
Class Syntax: shadows-{theme.boxShadowLayers}
Description: Auto-generates the number of shadow layers specified (theme options default to between 2 and 8 layers). You must specify a "base" shadow using the built-in Tailwind shadow classes (optionally using the offset
utilities described above); the additional shadow layers will be auto-generated based on the "base" shadow (with pure CSS, thanks to a combination of CSS custom properties + calc()
(generates 2 shadow layers in addition to the "base" layer),shadows-5
(generates 4 shadow layers in addition to the "base" layer),
Configure: Override/extend shadows-*
classes/values via tailwind.config.js
> theme
> extend
> boxShadowLayers
Default Theme Values:
`theme.boxShadowLayers` defaults to:module.exports = {
/* ... */
theme: {
boxShadowLayers: {
2: "2",
3: "3",
4: "4",
5: "5",
6: "6",
7: "7",
8: "8",
Class Syntax: shadows-scale-{theme.boxShadowLayersScale}
Description: By default, each generated layer uses the same x
values as the "base" shadow -- i.e. the base shadow is simply repeated on top of itself, which isn't usually ideal. The shadows-scale-*
utility provides a way to specify a "multiplier" to generate each layer's x
in a way that scales from smallest to biggest (note: spread
stays the same across all layers, as scaling this value is almost never desirable in my experience).
-- multiplies the basex
values by2
to the power of the current layer number; example output:
// using layer utilities "shadows-5 shadows-scale-2":
0px 1px 1px 0px rgb(0 0 0 / 0.1) // base values
0px 2px 2px 0px rgb(0 0 0 / 0.1) // base values * 2^1
0px 4px 4px 0px rgb(0 0 0 / 0.1) // base values * 2^2
0px 8px 8px 0px rgb(0 0 0 / 0.1) // base values * 2^3
0px 16px 16px 0px rgb(0 0 0 / 0.1) // base values * 2^4
Configure: Override/extend shadows-scale-*
classes/values via tailwind.config.js
> theme
> extend
> boxShadowLayersScale
Default Theme Values:
`theme.boxShadowLayersScale` defaults to:module.exports = {
/* ... */
theme: {
boxShadowLayersScale: {
1: "1",
1.25: "1.25",
1.5: "1.5",
1.75: "1.75",
/* ... */
4.75: "4.75",
5: "5",
Class Syntax: shadows-ease-{in,out}
Description: In addition to shadows-scale-*
, you can specify an easing function to inject into the scaling math. This allows the shadow layers to scale in a more fluid/less linear way. Currently only supports "quadratic" easing (due to limitations in CSS' ability to do complex math).
-- scales the shadow layers starting slowly and accelerating towards the end.shadows-ease-out
-- scales the shadow layers starting fast and decelerating towards the end.
Configure: Unfortunately this class group is not configurable via your Tailwind theme, as it requires writing unique JS for each variation to ensure proper easing math is applied.
- Adding layers darkens your shadows -- to counteract this, reduce your base shadow color opacity
- Because layer scaling is based on the "base" shadow values, you'll usually want to keep your base shadow values on the small side; i.e. use
rather thanshadow-xl
when pairing it withshadows-{2-8}
- Sometimes there's no visible difference when applying the
classes; their effect becomes more apparent when using higher base offset/blur and/or scaling values
Use the following Tailwind Playground to quickly test out these new shadow classes in real-time: https://play.tailwindcss.com/6rFqo93e6h
Default output without tailwind-extended-shadows
.shadow-lg {
--tw-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgb(0 0 0 / 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgb(0 0 0 / 0.1);
--tw-shadow-colored: 0 10px 15px -3px var(--tw-shadow-color), 0 4px 6px -4px
box-shadow: var(--tw-ring-offset-shadow, 0 0 #0000), var(
0 0 #0000
), var(--tw-shadow);
.shadow-slate-900\/15 {
--tw-shadow-color: rgb(15 23 42 / 0.15);
--tw-shadow: var(--tw-shadow-colored);
With tailwind-extended-shadows
.shadow-lg {
/* The following CSS properties use the .shadow-lg default values */
--tw-shadow-x-offset: 0px;
--tw-shadow-y-offset: 4px;
--tw-shadow-blur: 6px;
--tw-shadow-spread: -4px;
--tw-shadow-opacity: 1;
--tw-shadow-layers: 0 0 #0000;
--tw-shadows-multiplier: 1;
--tw-shadow-layer-base: 0px 10px 15px -3px var(--tw-shadow-color, rgb(0 0 0 /
0.1)), var(--tw-shadow-x-offset) var(--tw-shadow-y-offset) var(
) var(--tw-shadow-spread) var(--tw-shadow-color, rgb(0 0 0 / 0.1));
--tw-shadow: var(--tw-shadow-layer-base);
box-shadow: var(--tw-inset-shadow, 0 0 #0000), var(
0 0 #0000
), var(--tw-ring-shadow, 0 0 #0000), var(--tw-shadow);
.shadow-slate-900\/15 {
/* adds support for opacity and doesn't set `--tw-shadow` anymore due to re-structure */
--tw-shadow-color: rgb(15 23 42 / var(--tw-shadow-opacity, 0.15));
--tw-shadow-opacity: 0.15;
.shadow-y-2 {
/* overrides the `--tw-shadow-y-offset` value set by `shadow-lg` */
--tw-shadow-y-offset: 0.5rem;
.shadow-x-2 {
/* overrides the `--tw-shadow-x-offset` value set by `shadow-lg` */
--tw-shadow-x-offset: 0.5rem;
.-shadow-spread-2 {
/* overrides the `--tw-shadow-spread` value set by `shadow-lg` */
--tw-shadow-spread: -0.5rem;
.shadow-blur-4 {
/* overrides the `--tw-shadow-blur` value set by `shadow-lg` */
--tw-shadow-blur: 1rem;
.shadows-4 {
--tw-shadows-multiplier: 1;
--tw-shadow-layers: calc(
var(--tw-shadow-x-offset) * var(--tw-shadows-multiplier)
) calc(var(--tw-shadow-y-offset) * var(--tw-shadows-multiplier)) calc(
var(--tw-shadow-blur) * var(--tw-shadows-multiplier)
) var(--tw-shadow-spread) var(--tw-shadow-color, rgb(0 0 0 / 0.1)), calc(
var(--tw-shadow-x-offset) * var(--tw-shadows-multiplier) * var(--tw-shadows-multiplier)
) calc(
var(--tw-shadow-y-offset) * var(--tw-shadows-multiplier) * var(--tw-shadows-multiplier)
var(--tw-shadow-blur) * var(--tw-shadows-multiplier) * var(--tw-shadows-multiplier)
) var(--tw-shadow-spread) var(--tw-shadow-color, rgb(0 0 0 / 0.1)),
var(--tw-shadow-x-offset) * var(--tw-shadows-multiplier) * var(
) * var(--tw-shadows-multiplier)
) calc(
var(--tw-shadow-y-offset) * var(--tw-shadows-multiplier) * var(
) * var(--tw-shadows-multiplier)
var(--tw-shadow-blur) * var(--tw-shadows-multiplier) * var(
) * var(--tw-shadows-multiplier)
) var(--tw-shadow-spread) var(--tw-shadow-color, rgb(0 0 0 / 0.1));
--tw-shadow: var(--tw-shadow-layer-base), var(--tw-shadow-layers);
.shadows-4.shadows-ease-in {
/* overrides the `--tw-shadow-layers` value set by `shadows-4`, applying extra "ease-in" math */
--tw-shadow-layers: calc(
calc(var(--tw-shadow-x-offset) * var(--tw-shadows-multiplier)) * 0.25 *
) calc(
calc(var(--tw-shadow-y-offset) * var(--tw-shadows-multiplier)) * 0.25 *
calc(var(--tw-shadow-blur) * var(--tw-shadows-multiplier)) * 0.25 * 0.25
) var(--tw-shadow-spread) var(--tw-shadow-color, rgb(0 0 0 / 0.1)), calc(
var(--tw-shadow-x-offset) * var(--tw-shadows-multiplier) * var(--tw-shadows-multiplier)
) * 0.5 * 0.5
) calc(
var(--tw-shadow-y-offset) * var(--tw-shadows-multiplier) * var(--tw-shadows-multiplier)
) * 0.5 * 0.5
var(--tw-shadow-blur) * var(--tw-shadows-multiplier) * var(--tw-shadows-multiplier)
) * 0.5 * 0.5
) var(--tw-shadow-spread) var(--tw-shadow-color, rgb(0 0 0 / 0.1)),
var(--tw-shadow-x-offset) * var(--tw-shadows-multiplier) * var(
) * var(--tw-shadows-multiplier)
) * 0.75 * 0.75
) calc(
var(--tw-shadow-y-offset) * var(--tw-shadows-multiplier) * var(
) * var(--tw-shadows-multiplier)
) * 0.75 * 0.75
var(--tw-shadow-blur) * var(--tw-shadows-multiplier) * var(
) * var(--tw-shadows-multiplier)
) * 0.75 * 0.75
) var(--tw-shadow-spread) var(--tw-shadow-color, rgb(0 0 0 / 0.1));
.shadows-scale-3 {
/* overrides the `--tw-shadows-multiplier` value set by `shadows-4` */
--tw-shadows-multiplier: 3;
As you can see, Tailwind Extended Shadows will increase the size of your CSS ouput, especially when using a large amount of layers combined with the easing utilities -- but it's arguably a negligible difference in the grand scheme of things.
npm i tailwind-extended-shadows
Then add the plugin to your tailwind.config.js
// tailwind.config.js
module.exports = {
/* --- */
plugins: [require("tailwind-extended-shadows")],
If you're using the wonderful tailwind-merge
package to take care of removing conflicting Tailwind classes at runtime, make sure to use our withExtendedShadows
compatibility plugin from the separate tailwind-extended-shadows-merge
package; otherwise, the extra shadow utility classes will be considered conflicting and will get stripped out when they shouldn't.
import { extendTailwindMerge } from "tailwind-merge";
import { withExtendedShadows } from "tailwind-extended-shadows-merge";
export const twMerge = extendTailwindMerge(withExtendedShadows);