- Data Structure: Linked List
- CRUD (Insert Update Delete Select)
- AES Encrpytion (AES-256, MODE= CBC, Padding= PKCS7)
- When program terminated, data in the linked-list is stored as a file.
- When program started, data in the file is loaded.
- Distinguish each person by ID
- Not normal text, save to Binary Data
- Makefile
- Shared Library
- private data(phone number) : Base64 Encoded
- Add a menu to view the private data when authenticated by DB password
- Plain Text -> (AES-256/CBC) Encryption -> Binary Data -> (Base64) Encoding
- (Base64) Encoded Text -> Decoding (Base64) -> Binary Data -> Decryption (AES-256/CBC) -> Plain Text
$ make clean
$ make
$ ./addr_book
$ output.bin (*example)