Fuse support for app.net files. Or app.net support for fuse...
Currently this needs a .app.fuse.conf
in the current directory like so:
access_token = <an app.net access token>
Then in your checkout of this you do:
virtualenv env
. env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
to get all the needed stuff. Then run it in the same shell with:
python src/fs.py <path_where_you_want_it_mounted>
Then look into the dir with ls
or any file-browser to see your files. Well,
their metadata and as content their url...
End it all with
fusermount -f <mountpoint_from_above>
This is pre-alpha!
Currently it lists all your files stored on app.net without any folders. It reads the list of files once upon startup and then uses this.
Learn how to make it a usable app.net application without manual giving it an app.net access_token
Retrieve actual file contents.
Cache files locally, maybe in a hidden subdir or in
or in a database... -
Update files from the net dynamically.
Support for writing files.