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Your Solution for Seamless Pharmacy Management 🚀 #OpenSourcePharmaSuccess

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Table of Contents


The Online Pharmacy Management System is a comprehensive software solution designed to streamline the operations of a pharmacy, offering a user-friendly interface for managing customer details, medicines, pharmacies, and transactions. The project encompasses various core functionalities, such as database management through Djangos ORM, dynamic web pages for browsing and purchasing medicines, and a command-line interface for system management. The systems value proposition lies in its ability to automate and simplify key pharmacy processes, including inventory management, transaction tracking, and customer interactions. By leveraging technologies like Django, Material Design Bootstrap, and jQuery, the Online Pharmacy Management System aims to enhance user experience, operational efficiency, and overall business productivity.


Feature Description
⚙️ Architecture The project follows a Django architecture utilizing HTML templates for frontend and Python for backend logic with a clear separation of concerns. It leverages a relational database structure for data management.
🔩 Code Quality The codebase maintains consistent code styling and adheres to PEP 8 standards. It includes comments for better code understanding. Code modularity is evident, promoting code reusability.
đź“„ Documentation The project provides inline code documentation and file for setup instructions and project overview. It lacks extensive documentation beyond basic setup steps.
🔌 Integrations Key integrations include Django for web framework, Material Design Bootstrap for UI, and jQuery for interactivity. It also uses Bootstrap for responsiveness.
🧩 Modularity The codebase is modular, with clear separation of concerns for different functionalities. The project structure supports easy customization and extension.
📦 Dependencies Key dependencies include Django, Bootstrap, jQuery, Material Design Bootstrap, and SQLite for the database. Managing dependencies efficiently is crucial for project maintenance.

Repository Structure

└── Online-Pharmacy-Management-System/
    ├── Online Pharmacy Phase-1 Submission.pdf
    ├── Online Pharmacy Phase-1 Submission.pptx
    ├── Refined ER Diagram.pdf
    ├── Tables OPMS.sql
    ├── bin
    │   ├──
    │   ├──
    │   └──
    ├── core
    │   ├──
    │   ├──
    │   ├──
    │   ├──
    │   ├── management
    │   ├── migrations
    │   ├──
    │   ├──
    │   ├──
    │   └──
    ├── pharma
    │   ├──
    │   ├──
    │   ├──
    │   ├──
    │   └──
    ├── static_files
    │   ├── css
    │   ├── font
    │   ├── img
    │   ├── js
    │   └── scss
    └── templates
        ├── account
        ├── base.html
        ├── cart.html
        ├── checkout-page.html
        ├── footer.html
        ├── history.html
        ├── home-page.html
        ├── item_list.html
        ├── navbar.html
        ├── openid
        ├── product-page.html
        ├── scripts.html
        └── socialaccount


File Summary Executes Django management commands using specified settings. Orchestrates database migrations, app management, and command-line operations within the Online Pharmacy Management System.
[Tables OPMS.sql]( OPMS.sql) Defines database tables for customer details, generic medicine, pharmacies, medications, and transactions. Populates tables with sample data and establishes relationships. Retrieves invoice details, customer names, medicine names, and prices from related tables for transactions.
File Summary
checkout-page.html The bin directory in the Online Pharmacy Management System repository contains essential command-line interface (CLI) functionality for managing the system. This code file, including,, and, facilitates streamlined interactions with the core components of the system, enhancing user experience and operational efficiency.
home-page.html Enhances user experience by displaying pharmacy products with dynamic cart functionality. Integrates Material Design Bootstrap for responsive layout and improves interactivity with jQuery. Supports cart management and popover for seamless browsing and purchase flow.
footer.html Defines footer content for the online medicine ordering website, crediting project contributors. Enhances user experience by providing a consistent and visually appealing layout across platform pages.
product-page.html Renders product details and pharmacy information dynamically on the webpage. Handles adding items to the shopping cart and updating the cart total.
history.html Displays payment history with transaction details and total amounts. Utilizes Bootstrap and custom styles for responsiveness. Implements card view for each transaction. Updates shopping cart functionality with local storage support.
item_list.html Displays a list of items in the Online Pharmacy Management System, extending the base template. It iterates over medicines and renders them.
navbar.html Displays a responsive navigation bar with user-specific links like cart, order history, and authentication. Enhances user experience by providing easy access to essential features in the Online Pharmacy Management System.
cart.html Renders a dynamic shopping cart interface for ordering medicines.-Displays item list, allows optional feedback submission, and order placement.-Intuitive design with responsive elements for user-friendly experience.
base.html Orchestrates the structure of the base HTML template.-Incorporates CSS frameworks and custom styles.-Renders dynamic content received from navigation bar, messages, footer, and scripts.-Employs blocks for flexible content injection throughout the website.-Enhances user experience with responsive design and alerts.
scripts.html Implements scripts for frontend animations and interactions. Loads essential JavaScript libraries for UI components and initializes animations. Enhances user experience through dynamic content and style manipulations. Vital for overall visual appeal and functionality of the online pharmacy management system.
File Summary
login.html Enables OpenID sign-in functionality by extending base template, loading internationalization, and rendering a sign-in form with CSRF protection. Allows users to authenticate via OpenID provider.
base.html Extends socialaccount/base.html for consistent styling across OpenID pages in the Online Pharmacy Management System, enhancing user experience and visual coherence.
File Summary
signup.html Enables user signup via social accounts in the Online Pharmacy Management System. Inherits base template, presents signup form, and handles form submission securely. Supports multiple providers for streamlined registration process.
connections.html Displays and manages connected third-party accounts for signing in. Allows users to remove existing connections and add new accounts. Communicates account connection status to users effectively.
login_cancelled.html Defines Login Cancelled page with a personalized message and a redirection link for users who opt out of social account login. Inherits base template for cohesive user experience in the Online Pharmacy Management System.
base.html Extends account/base.html for consistent design elements; facilitates modularity and reuse in template rendering.
authentication_error.html Defines error message display upon social network login failure by extending base template, loading language translations, and presenting corresponding content.
File Summary
account_connected.txt Notifies users of successful social account connection. Initiates connection status update in Online Pharmacy Management System templates.
account_connected_other.txt Notifies users of social account linkage to another user within the online pharmacy system. Uses internationalization for multilingual support.
account_disconnected.txt Notifies users when a social account is disconnected within the Online Pharmacy Management System. Uses an internationalization template tag to display the appropriate message.
File Summary
provider_list.html Renders social account providers for user login selection based on specified brands, with OpenID handling as a highlight, enhancing user authentication and interaction in the Online Pharmacy Management System.
login_extra.html Enhances user login experience with social account integration. Quickens access to multiple social platforms via media JS.
File Summary
password_change.html Enables users to change their account password by providing a form within the Change Password section of the web application. The form submission triggers a password update through the specified URL endpoint.
password_reset_from_key.html Renders a password reset form with token validation.-Allows users to change passwords or displays success message.-Ensures secure interaction with backend services.
signup.html Creates a signup page for the Online Pharmacy Management System. Extends base template for consistent design. Displays signup form for users to register. Linked with authentication system for user management.
verified_email_required.html Explain the email verification process during account creation, prompting users to verify their email addresses to ensure secure access.
email.html Renders email address management interface for users.-Displays existing email addresses with options to verify, set as primary, resend verification, or remove.-Allows adding new email addresses with form submission handling.-Includes confirmation prompt before deleting email addresses.
password_reset_done.html Notifies user of password reset status via email, urging prompt contact if no email received. Integrates account templates to enhance user experience in the Online Pharmacy Management System.
login.html Enables users to sign in, leveraging third-party accounts, providing a seamless login experience. Displays options for social account login and account creation. Additionally, it allows for standard account login and password reset functionalities.
password_reset.html Enables password reset functionality for the Online Pharmacy Management System web application. Renders a form for users to reset their password via email, with an option to contact support if needed. This feature enhances user account security and experience within the system.
signup_closed.html Denotes sign-up closure message. Extends base styling. Inherits internationalization. Communicates closure notice to users.
account_inactive.html Renders an Account Inactive message on the user interface when an account is inactive, aligning with the Online Pharmacy Management System's visual structure and multilingual support.
email_confirm.html Displays and confirms email addresses for user accounts. Dynamically generates confirmation links and prompts users to confirm or request new confirmation. Contributing to user authentication and account management within the Online Pharmacy Management System.
password_reset_from_key_done.html Renders a page for password change confirmation. Extends base template and displays a success message upon password reset completion.
verification_sent.html Notifies users to verify email for signup in the Online Pharmacy Management System. Inherits base template for consistent UI. Promotes secure user registration process.
base.html Implements template inheritance, the base.html template as the parent, to provide a consistent layout across multiple web pages.
logout.html Enables users to sign out of the Online Pharmacy Management System. Implements a form for confirming sign-out, with UI elements for confirmation message and logout button. Supports localization for the sign-out functionality.
password_set.html Enables setting a password for an account within the online pharmacy system. Renders the password setting form, incorporating necessary security measures, and ensures a seamless user experience in managing account access.
File Summary
password_reset_key_message.txt Generates password reset emails including a personalized message with a link for resetting the password. Customizable for user-specific details like usernames and site names. Contributes to user security and overall user experience within the online pharmacy management system.
email_confirmation_message.txt Notifies users of email confirmation in the Online Pharmacy Management System. Displays user info and activation link for account connection, concluding with gratitude. Situated within the templates/account/email directory to enhance user experience.
email_confirmation_signup_subject.txt Implements email confirmation subject template for user sign-up in the Online Pharmacy Management System.
email_confirmation_signup_message.txt Includes email confirmation message template for signup.
email_confirmation_subject.txt Notifies users to confirm email address for account activation in the Online Pharmacy Management System. Uses localization and HTML autoescaping for multilingual support and security.
password_reset_key_subject.txt Generates password reset email subject for account management.
File Summary
email_confirmed.txt Communicates email confirmation message template using i18n. Essential for notifying users about successful email verification in the Online Pharmacy Management System.
email_deleted.txt Notifies users about deleted email addresses in the Online Pharmacy Management System. Uses internationalization for language support and provides clear feedback to users. This email deletion message template enhances user experience.
email_confirmation_sent.txt Notifies users of email confirmation sent during registration in the Online Pharmacy Management System. Utilizes i18n for multi-language support. Part of the systems account template set.
primary_email_set.txt Notifies users of successful primary email set up. Uses internationalization for multilingual support. Integral for enhancing user experience in the Online Pharmacy Management System.
password_changed.txt Notifies users of successful password changes. Handles internationalization for user-facing messages.
logged_in.txt Notifies successful user sign-in as their displayed name. Loaded account and internationalization tags for rendering.
unverified_primary_email.txt Notifies users to verify their primary email address in the Online Pharmacy Management System. Incorporated with internationalization, reinforcing UX and system reliability.
password_set.txt Notifies users of successful password setting. Uses i18n for multilingual support. Helps enhance user experience during account management in the Online Pharmacy Management System.
logged_out.txt Notifies user of successful sign-out in different languages. Fulfilling user experience by providing clear feedback.
cannot_delete_primary_email.txt Notifies users they cant delete primary email in account settings, ensuring data integrity. Incorporated into Online-Pharmacy-Management-Systems template structure for clear user communication and system behavior compliance.
File Summary
already_logged_in.html Notifies logged-in users, displaying a message affirming their current logged-in status. Uses i18n and account templates to present a personalized user message.
File Summary Enables Django application deployment by configuring WSGI server settings. Defines URL patterns for the Online Pharmacy Management System, including admin and account paths. Handles static and media files for a seamless user experience. Implements Azure storage configuration and sets database credentials. Configures static file storage and database connection details for the Django project. Environment, paths, middleware, template configurations, static files. Manages database setup based on environment (development or production). Specifies authentication backends, account forms, site ID, and user model. Configures crispy template pack and login redirect URL.
File Summary Defines the CoreConfig class in Django to manage the core app's configuration within the Online Pharmacy Management System repository. Defines key data models (Address, Pharmacy, Medicine, Order) & user profile fields for the Online Pharmacy Management System. Enables user interaction with pharmacies, medicines, and orders. Facilitates seamless navigation with URL generation for products. Defines custom user signup form with extended fields in Django app for user registration and data saving, enhancing user profile completeness. Item_list, history, cart, and product detail view, crucial for the Online Pharmacy Management System. Integrates views to manage product listing, user history, cart, and individual product display. Defines custom admin settings for user models, enhancing user management in the Django project. Simplifies user interface, adds personalized fields, and customizes admin panel functionalities. Registers key models for streamlined administration. Test the core functionalities using Djangos testing framework. Displays medicine items on homepage-Shows order history with total cost-Manages items in cart, processes orders-Provides detailed views for medicine and orders
File Summary Defines database schema changes for Address, Pharmacy, and Medicine models.-Establishes relationships between Pharmacy, Address, and Medicine entities.-Enhances data integrity and performance within the core module of the Online Pharmacy Management System repository. Defines database schema for user authentication, medicine management, and order tracking. Creates models for User, Medicine, Order, and OrderItem with essential fields like name, price, user permissions, and ordered status for effective online pharmacy system functionality.
File Summary Renames a Django project by updating specific file contents and directory names. Modifies settings, wsgi, and manage files. Achieves project renaming and provides success notification. Creates an admin user if it doesnt exist in the system. Uses Django to check and add the admin user with specified details for the Online Pharmacy Management System.
File Summary Facilitates CLI interaction for managing data and deploying to Azure. Verifies settings, migrates databases, creates admin users, and provisions Azure resources securely. Streamlines processes with user prompts and automated commands. Validates required environment variables, ensuring essential configurations are set for the online pharmacy management system. Configures Azure web app settings, provisions a PostgreSQL server, sets firewall rules, creates a database, and fetches connection details.
File Summary
bootstrap.min.css This code file, located in the bin directory of the Online-Pharmacy-Management-System repository, plays a crucial role in providing command-line interface functionality for managing the online pharmacy system. By defining commands and shared functions, it enables users to interact with the system efficiently and perform various essential operations. This code enhances the overall usability and accessibility of the application by offering a streamlined interface for executing tasks and accessing features seamlessly.
style.min.css Defines CSS styling for a responsive carousel and page footer in the Online Pharmacy Management System website. Ensures consistent layout across devices.
bootstrap.css This code file in the bin directory of the Online Pharmacy Management System repository serves as the command-line interface for managing various aspects of the online pharmacy system. It encapsulates essential commands and functionalities related to system administration and user interaction. By leveraging this file, users can efficiently interact with and oversee the systems core components, contributing to smooth and effective management of the online pharmacy operations.
style.css Establish consistent styling for the Half Page Carousel in HTML & adjust for mobile devices. Ensure proper display height & footer color consistency.
mdb.lite.css Code SummaryThis code file,, serves as a command-line interface module in the Online Pharmacy Management System repository. It defines essential command-line functionalities that interact with the core applications features. By leveraging this module, users can efficiently manage and operate various aspects of the pharmacy system through text-based commands. The file plays a crucial role in enabling seamless interaction with the core application, enhancing the system's usability and accessibility for administrators and users alike.
mdb.lite.min.css This code file,, in the bin directory of the Online Pharmacy Management System repository, implements a Command-Line Interface (CLI) for managing various aspects of the pharmacy system. It provides essential commands and functionalities for interacting with the system, such as managing users, inventory, orders, and system settings. The CLI serves as a convenient tool for administrators and developers to efficiently perform common tasks without needing to access the system interface directly. By encapsulating these functionalities in a CLI, it enhances the systems usability and flexibility, aligning with the repositorys architecture focused on modular and accessible management features.
mdb.min.css This code file in the bin directory, specifically and, serves as the command-line interface (CLI) for the Online Pharmacy Management System. It provides essential functionalities for interacting with and managing the system through a text-based interface. This component plays a crucial role in enabling users to perform various operations efficiently and effectively, such as managing data, configuring settings, and executing tasks within the online pharmacy application.
mdb.css Code File Summary** đź“„The file in the bin directory of the Online Pharmacy Management System repository serves as the command-line interface for managing various aspects of the application. This file enables users to interact with the system through commands provided by the file, facilitating seamless control and configuration of the online pharmacy system. By leveraging this CLI functionality, users can efficiently execute essential tasks and streamline the management of pharmacy operations without the need for a complex user interface.
File Summary
datatables-select.css Applies MDBootstrap styling to Datatables for enhanced user interface consistency in the Online-Pharmacy-Management-System repository. Harmonizes table row selection colors following predefined patterns, maintaining visual coherence and aligning with the overall design aesthetics.
flag.min.css The file in the bin directory of the Online Pharmacy Management System repository serves as the command-line interface for managing the online pharmacy system. It provides essential commands for administrators to interact with the system efficiently. By leveraging this interface, administrators can streamline various management tasks, enhancing productivity and ensuring the smooth operation of the online pharmacy platform.
directives.css Defines opacity levels for CSS classes in the Online Pharmacy Management Systems frontend. Allows varying transparency for elements.
flag.css This code file in the bin directory, specifically the,, and files, contributes to the Online Pharmacy Management System by providing a command-line interface for managing various aspects of the system. It enables users to interact with the system using commands to perform tasks such as data management, user administration, and system configuration without directly accessing the application interface. This abstraction simplifies system operations and enhances user experience by centralizing important functionalities in a convenient and efficient manner.
rating.min.css Enhances CSS styling for the rating feature, contributing to a consistent and visually appealing user interface within the Online Pharmacy Management System.
datatables.min.css Defines styling for DataTables user interface components, ensuring responsive design and proper alignment. Enhances user interaction with dynamic table sorting indicators. Centralizes pagination controls for improved accessibility.
zmd.hierarchical-display.min.css Implements Material Design Hierarchical Display for CSS styling. Manages visibility and animations for hierarchical content presentation based on zoom effects. Merges smooth transitions for user interface interactions.
zmd.hierarchical-display.css Implements Material Design Hierarchical Display animations, enhancing user experience and interactions within the Online Pharmacy Management Systems frontend.
datatables.css Styles datatable elements for MDBootstrap integration, promoting user experience through responsive design and interactive UI components. Enhances table interactivity with cursor feedback and font awesome icons.Implements custom styling for filters and pagination for data organization and visibility.
directives.min.css Defines opacity levels for elements, enhancing user interface aesthetics in Online Pharmacy Management System. An essential styling asset within the static_files/css directory, facilitating consistent design across frontend components.
rating.css Defines styles for a rating feature in the Online Pharmacy Management System. Popover and star colors are specified using CSS classes to enhance user experience when rating products.
datatables-select.min.css Defines styles for selected rows in DataTables, enhancing user experience with intuitive visual cues. Facilitates user interaction and data manipulation.
File Summary
animations-extended.min.css The file in the bin directory of the Online Pharmacy Management System repository serves as the command-line interface for interacting with the system. It allows users to perform various operations and manage the online pharmacy system efficiently without the need for a graphical user interface. This component plays a crucial role in enabling seamless and convenient interaction with the system through command-line commands.
animations-extended.css The code file in the bin directory of the Online Pharmacy Management System repository serves as the command-line interface for interacting with the system. It encapsulates critical functionalities for managing various operations related to the pharmacy management system, facilitating seamless communication between the user and the underlying system components. By providing a user-friendly interface, this code file streamlines the execution of commands and enhances the overall user experience, contributing to the efficient administration of the pharmacy system.
File Summary
style.scss Defines custom styles for Half Page Carousel height and mobile device adjustments. Ensures proper display and responsive design. Maintains footer color consistency with Navbar for a cohesive user experience.
_custom-skin.scss Defines custom skin colors for the online pharmacy management system, enhancing the user interface. Integrated into the repositorys static files structure.
mdb.lite.scss Defines custom styles and imports core elements from Material Design for Bootstrap 4 in the Online Pharmacy Management System. Enhances UI with animations, buttons, cards, and more, aligning with MDB Lite 4.8.11 standards for a modern web experience.
_custom-styles.scss Enhances frontend design by providing custom CSS styles for a visually appealing user interface. Complements the repositorys architecture by improving the styling and aesthetics of the Online Pharmacy Management System frontend.
mdb.scss Defines comprehensive styling for the Online Pharmacy Management System using Material Design for Bootstrap 4, incorporating core elements, custom variables, and free components like buttons, cards, modals, and more for a cohesive and modern user interface.
_custom-variables.scss Defines custom styling variables for consistent visual elements throughout the web app. Enhances user experience by ensuring uniform design elements across various pages.
File Summary
_mixins.scss The bin directory in the Online Pharmacy Management System repository contains essential command-line interface (CLI) functionality. The script provides a user-friendly interface for interacting with the system, while houses various commands for managing the application. The file holds shared functionalities utilized across different CLI commands. These components play a crucial role in enabling efficient and seamless administrative tasks within the pharmacy management system, enhancing user experience and system manageability.
_global.scss Defines global color styling, material palette, gradients, shadows, link behavior, and dividers. Enhances UI consistency and aesthetics across the repositorys frontend components.
_masks.scss Implements masks, overlays, zoom effects, and patterns for visual elements in the core stylesheet, enhancing frontend user experience and design aesthetics within the pharmacy management system repository.
_typography.scss Defines typography styles including Roboto font and general properties. Sets font weights, blockquote styling, and responsive headings based on breakpoints. Enhances readability and visual hierarchy for the UI components in the Online Pharmacy Management System repository.
_helpers.scss Implements responsive design and layout helpers like image scaling, centered flex display, horizontal rules, and color variations for a pharmacy management systems frontend. Enhances user experience and visual consistency across the application.
_variables.scss This code file in the repository is a key component in managing the core functionalities of the Online Pharmacy Management System. It plays a pivotal role in handling administrative tasks, user interactions, and database operations. By leveraging this code, the system can effectively organize and streamline pharmacy-related processes, ensuring smooth operation and user satisfaction.
_colors.scss The bin/ file in the Online Pharmacy Management System repository provides a command-line interface for interacting with various functionality within the system. It allows users to execute commands to manage administrative tasks, user data, and system configurations efficiently. This component serves as a vital tool for administrators and users to streamline operations and enhance the overall effectiveness of the online pharmacy system.
_waves.scss Implements interactive ripple effects for UI elements, enhancing user experience with clickable elements. Integrates transitions and shadow effects for visual feedback.
File Summary
_functions.scss Validates and ensures ascending order for Sass maps used in grid breakpoints. Checks if the minimum width of the lowest breakpoint starts at zero. Offers functions for replacing substrings, determining color contrast, and fetching color values from Sass maps.
_rfs.scss Implements responsive font scaling using RFS mixin with configurable settings. Enabling/disabling classes adjust font size based on screen width and height, offering dynamic resizing. Compatible with varying screen dimensions for enhanced readability and aesthetics.
_variables.scss SummaryThe file located in the bin directory of the Online Pharmacy Management System repository serves as the command-line interface for managing the systems operations. It allows users to interact with the core functionalities of the system through a set of intuitive commands, providing a seamless experience for administrators and stakeholders to efficiently manage the online pharmacy platform.
File Summary
_forms.scss This code file in the bin directory, specifically the,, and files, forms the command-line interface (CLI) for the Online Pharmacy Management System repository. It provides users with a streamlined way to interact with and manage the system through various commands and shared functionalities. The CLI enhances the overall user experience by offering efficient and intuitive control over different aspects of the online pharmacy system.
_msc.scss Defines various colorful gradients and styling classes for website headers and elements. Enhances visual appeal with distinctive gradient backgrounds. Promotes a cohesive design language for a visually engaging user experience.
_depreciated.scss Enhances Navbar UI with Scrolable Behavior for specific viewport ranges.
_loader.scss Implements loader/spinner animations with the fast class and spinner-border/spinner-grow variations. This enhances the user interface by providing visual feedback during loading processes in the Online Pharmacy Management Systems frontend.
_buttons.scss Defines button styling for improved user interactions across the web application. Incorporates dynamic sizes, icon positioning, and color variations to enhance visual appeal and functionality.
_animations-basic.scss Defines CSS animations for the Online Pharmacy Management System UI. Includes fade-in and fade-out effects for various directions. Supports animation speed adjustments and respects reduced motion settings.
_steppers.scss Defines styles for horizontal and vertical steppers with circles and labels. Handles active, completed, and warning states, adjusting layout based on screen size. Enhances user experience by visually guiding through steps in an interactive manner.
_tables.scss Defines styling rules for tables, ensuring consistent visual presentation across the Online Pharmacy Management System interface. Sets font sizes, padding, hover effects, and responsiveness for optimal user experience and readability.
_list-group.scss Enhances styling of list groups in the projects user interface by applying padding, border radius, and hover transitions to list items. Improves visual appeal and user experience of the Online Pharmacy Management System interface.
_modals.scss Customize modal styles, manage cascading modals, tabs, and footers for a user-friendly experience with a modern design approach.
_dropdowns.scss Enhance dropdown menu styling in Online Pharmacy projects static_files structure. Apply darkened background on dropdown-item click for improved user experience.
_input-group.scss Improve styling for input groups in the online pharmacy management system by defining consistent visuals for input fields, labels, and add-on elements.
_footers.scss Enhances footer styling for the Online Pharmacy Management System website. Sets bottom alignment, color scheme, and link styling within the footer element.
_cards.scss Defines card styling for the Online Pharmacy Management System interface, focusing on readability and design consistency. Encapsulates card elements with varying border options, font weights, and text styles to enhance user experience in displaying pharmacy products.
_badges.scss Styles badges by setting color, border-radius, and box shadow. Applies pill style and generates badges dynamically with various colors from the MDB color palette. This file enhances the visual presentation of badges within the Online Pharmacy Management System UI.
_pagination.scss Defines styles for pagination elements based on various sizes, colors, and shapes. Enhances user interface with dynamic hover effects and active state visual feedback. Improves accessibility and user interaction within the Online Pharmacy Management Systems frontend.
_switch.scss Implements a customizable switch component for better user interaction. Used in the Online Pharmacy Management System UI.
_treeview.scss Defines styling for a dynamic treeview structure with interactive animations and colorful elements. Tailored classes manage tree node display and transitions for a visually engaging user experience in the Online Pharmacy Management System.
_navbars.scss Defines styling rules for navigation bars. Sets font weights, box shadows, padding, margins, and colors for various navbar components. Implements responsive design with media queries for different screen sizes.
_carousels.scss Improve carousel styling by customizing control icons, indicator size, and fade effect. Enhances visual appeal and user experience. This code file in static_files/scss aligns the carousel design with the repository's frontend architecture.
File Summary
_module.scss The bin directory within the Online Pharmacy Management System repository contains essential command-line interface (CLI) functionality for managing the pharmacy system. The file houses the main CLI logic, while contains specific commands for interacting with the system. Additionally, provides common functions and variables used across different commands. This structure centralizes the CLI operations, promoting efficient system management and interaction for users.
animations-extended.scss Enhance animations in MDBootstrap by importing the module. Visit MDBootstrap for details on CSS animations.
File Summary
_datatables.scss Enhances DataTables integration with MDBootstrap, improving UI functionality. Styling adjustments for data tables with responsive design and Font Awesome icons for table sorting. Integrates MDBootstrap features seamlessly.
_directives.scss Defines opacity CSS classes for elements based on specified increments.
_datatables-select.scss Enhances DataTables styling in MDBootstrap theme for improved user experience in the Online Pharmacy Management System. Implements visual feedback on row selection with custom background colors.
_rating.scss Defines color styles for rating components in the Online Pharmacy Management Systems frontend. Categorizes colors based on star ratings, enhancing the visual appeal and user experience of the system.
_hierarchical-display.scss Visibility toggling and zoom effects. Suitable for enhancing user experience by animating elements when displayed or hidden.
_flags.scss The bin directory in the Online-Pharmacy-Management-System repository contains the CLI functionality for the system. It includes commands for managing various aspects of the online pharmacy application, leveraging shared functionality for improved code organization. This code file focuses on providing a user-friendly interface for interacting with the Online Pharmacy Management System, simplifying administrative tasks through command-line operations.
File Summary
mdb.js The bin directory in the Online Pharmacy Management System repository contains essential command-line interface functionality for managing the system. The and files provide commands and operations for interacting with the online pharmacy system, while contains shared utilities and settings. This module serves as the entry point for administrators and developers to efficiently manage and configure the online pharmacy system through a command-line interface.
jquery-3.4.1.min.js The file in the bin directory serves as the command-line interface (CLI) for the Online Pharmacy Management System repository. It provides essential commands and functionalities for managing the system efficiently. This CLI module acts as a bridge between the user and the core functionality of the online pharmacy system, allowing for seamless interaction and control over various aspects of the systems operation.
bootstrap.min.js This code file in the bin directory, specifically and, plays a crucial role in the architecture of the Online Pharmacy Management System repository. It enables command-line interaction for tasks related to managing the online pharmacy system. The functionality provided includes executing various commands that facilitate administration and operations within the system, enhancing the overall user experience and efficiency of the management system.
bootstrap.js The file in the bin directory of the Online Pharmacy Management System repository serves as the command-line interface module for managing various aspects of the system. It encapsulates critical functionalities for executing commands related to system administration, enhancing user experience by providing a streamlined interface for interacting with the core features of the online pharmacy application.
popper.min.js Cli.pyThe cli.pycode file in thebin` directory of the repository serves as the command-line interface (CLI) module for the Online Pharmacy Management System project. It provides essential functionality to interact with and manage various aspects of the system via commands. This file acts as a bridge between users and the system, offering a user-friendly way to perform operations, such as data manipulation, configuration, and administrative tasks. The CLI module enhances the projects usability and efficiency by enabling users to access and control system features through simple and intuitive commands, contributing to a seamless user experience.
mdb.min.js This code file in the bin directory named plays a crucial role in the Online Pharmacy Management System repository. It provides command-line interface functionality for interacting with the core components of the system. By offering various commands and shared functionalities, it enables users to manage and operate key features of the online pharmacy system seamlessly.
File Summary
rating.min.js Implements star rating functionality for online pharmacy system. Dynamically updates star icons based on user interaction. Supports different rating styles and feedback submission feature. Enhances user experience and engagement on the platform.
datatables.js This code file in the bin directory of the Online Pharmacy Management System repository contains command-line interface functionality that is crucial for managing the application. It defines commands and shared functions essential for interacting with the online pharmacy system efficiently. This code enhances the overall user experience by providing streamlined and accessible ways to perform various administrative tasks within the system.
datatables.min.js Code File SummaryThe code in this file,, serves as the command-line interface (CLI) for the Online Pharmacy Management System. It enables users to interact with the system through a set of intuitive commands, facilitating efficient management and administration of the pharmacy operations. By leveraging this CLI, users can seamlessly perform tasks such as adding new products, managing inventory, processing orders, and generating reports, enhancing the overall operational capabilities of the Online Pharmacy Management System.
jquery.zmd.hierarchical-display.js Implements hierarchical display animations on DOM elements via Material Design principles. Handles show, hide, toggle actions with customizable speed and animations. Supports debug mode for event tracking. Conforms to MIT license.
jquery.zmd.hierarchical-display.min.js Enables hierarchical display animation on elements, showing or hiding with specified speed and effects. Triggers events for debugging. Integrated into the projects front-end for interactive user experience enhancements.
progressBar.min.js Implements dynamic progress bar functionality based on given value. Enhances user experience by visually representing progress status. The code intelligently updates the progress bar appearance and status, reflecting completion levels accurately.
datatables-select.js The file in the bin directory of the Online Pharmacy Management System repository serves as the command-line interface for managing various aspects of the online pharmacy system. It provides essential commands for tasks such as database migrations, administrative functions, and shared operations. This central component encapsulates key functionalities and simplifies interactions with the system, offering a streamlined experience for developers and administrators.
imagesloaded.pkgd.min.js Implements image loading functionality with progress tracking for responsive web design in the online pharmacy management system.
datatables-select.min.js This code file, located in the bin directory of the Online-Pharmacy-Management-System repository, plays a crucial role in providing command-line interface functionality for managing the online pharmacy system. By defining commands and shared functionalities, it facilitates efficient interaction with the core system components. Overall, it enhances the usability and operability of the online pharmacy management system through a structured and user-friendly command-line interface.
progressBar.js Implements a customizable progress bar plugin for jQuery elements. Initializes progress bar based on value, updates styling and content dynamically, visually indicates success/failure states. Enhances user experience.
masonry.pkgd.min.js SummaryThe bin directory in this codebase contains crucial command-line interface (CLI) functionalities responsible for managing the Online Pharmacy Management System. The file, along with and, enables users to interact with the system via the terminal, facilitating seamless execution of administrative tasks, data management operations, and other essential functions. This CLI implementation streamlines system administration and enhances user experience by providing a robust and user-friendly interface for managing the Online Pharmacy Management System.
rating.js Implements interactive star ratings with custom styles and feedback submission functionality for user engagement.
File Summary
default-file-input.js Enables dynamic updating of default file input labels based on user selection. Enhances user experience by displaying selected file names. Key for improving file upload interactions in the Online Pharmacy Management System repository.
velocity.min.js The bin directory in the Online Pharmacy Management System repository contains essential command-line interface (CLI) functionality for managing the application. The script defines the command-line interface, includes various commands supported by the CLI, and holds shared utilities for the CLI operations. This module enhances the systems usability by providing a streamlined interface for administrators and users to interact with the Online Pharmacy Management System efficiently.
forms-free.js Implements dynamic form interactions for text fields and text areas. Automatically adjusts textarea height. Enhances user experience by highlighting active fields, validating input, and resizing text areas. Integrates with the parent repositorys frontend architecture.
jquery.easing.js Customizes easing options within jQuery for smooth animations, enhancing user experience during interactions on the online pharmacy platform.
bs-custom-file-input.js Enables custom styling and functionality for file input elements in forms. Automatically updates input labels to display selected file names. Supports multiple file selection. Integrated with forms for easy initialization and cleanup. Promotes user-friendly file selection experience.
treeview.js Implements interactive treeview functionality with toggling and animation for different treeview styles in the projects frontend. Enhances user experience by enabling collapsible nested elements and colorful headers with expand/collapse icons.
chart.js The file in the bin directory of the Online Pharmacy Management System repository serves as the command-line interface for managing various functionalities within the system. It provides essential commands for administrators and users to interact with the system efficiently. By abstracting complex operations into simple commands, this module ensures a user-friendly experience for managing the online pharmacy system.This component adds a layer of convenience by enabling users to execute commands through the terminal without delving into the intricacies of the systems internal operations. It plays a pivotal role in enhancing system usability and streamlining administrative tasks, contributing to a seamless user experience for both administrators and end-users.
enhanced-modals.js Dynamically adjust scrollability based on modal type for a seamless user experience.
waves.js The file in the bin directory of the Online Pharmacy Management System repository serves as the Command Line Interface (CLI) module for managing various administrative tasks and commands related to the online pharmacy system. It provides a user-friendly interface for executing essential operations such as database management, user authentication, and system configuration. This component plays a crucial role in facilitating seamless interaction with the underlying functionality of the pharmacy application, enhancing overall usability and operational efficiency.
velocity.js This code file in the core directory of the Online Pharmacy Management System repository serves as the foundation for the application's backend functionality. It defines essential models, views, and forms crucial for managing pharmacy operations. The module likely handles administrative tasks, while the file likely manages routing within the application. Overall, this code contributes to the core architecture of the online pharmacy system by structuring key components that drive its functionality.
scrolling-navbar.js Implements a feature in the static files module that dynamically changes the navigation bar style on scroll for improved user experience.
wow.js Implements WOW.js animations based on scroll events, revealing elements when in viewport and hiding when out._touches repositorys frontend architecture by enhancing user experience with dynamic visual effects.


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