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List of javascript abbreviation

List of javascript abbreviation

Name abbreviation
ECMA European Computer Manufacturers Association
DOM Document Object Model
HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol
API application programming interface
JSON JavaScript Object Notation
NaN Not-a-Number
XML EXtensible Markup Language
IP Internet Protocol
ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode
ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange
LAN Local Area Network
ANSI American National Standards Institute
FTP File Transfer Protocol
FAQ Frequently Asked Questions
WWW World Wide Web
ISO International Standards Organization
ISP Internet Service Provider
Ajax Asynchronous JavaScript and XML
AMD Asynchronous Module Definition
API Application Program Interface
BDD Behaviour Driven Development
BEM Block Element Modifier
BSON Binary Simple Object Model
CSS Cascading StyleSheets
CLI Command Line Interface
CORS Cross Origin Resource sharing
CPU Central Processor Unit
DOM Document Object Model
ES5 ECMAScript 5
ES6 ECMAScript 6
HTML HyperText Markup Language
HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol
HTTP2 Hypertext Transfer Protocol 2
IIFE Immediately Invoked Function Expression
JS JavaScript
JSON JavaScript Object Notation
JSON-LD JSON for Linked Data
MVC Model View Controller
MVVM Model View ViewModel
OO Object Oriented
REST Representational State Transfer
RESTful Representational State Transfer
rnpm React Native Package Manager
SVG Scalable Vector Graphics
TDD Test Driven Development
UI User Interface
UMD Universal Module Definition
URL Uniform Resource Locator
WebGL Web Graphics Library
XHR XMLHttpRequest
XML Extensible Markup Language


MIT © kasiriveni


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