Avro-1.7.4-schema-repo is from patch AVRO-1124 applied to avro-1.7.4
mvn clean package
java -jar avro-repo-bundle-1.7.4-withdeps.jar config.properties
A Kafka producer send an avro schema to the avro schema repository server.
The server looks if the schema received is new or was previously registered.
If it's new, stores it and returns an unique ID ( incremental integer).
If it was previously registered returns the previously assigned ID.
The Kafka producer writes in the topic the Avro message with this ID instead of the schema.
A kafka consumer (camus) reads from Kafka Topic.
Camus asks the schema repository server for the schema associated to the ID of the message readed.
Substitute the Header with the ID for the original schema of the message.
Writes in HDFS