In this project I'm doing some tests with this technology.
- the way to return an "array of results" is through streaming, e.g.
rpc GetDataAsync(GetDataRequest) returns (stream GetDataReply);
- the other way is to return an array inside a messege envelop, but this is not too performatic
proto files
= kind of interfaces to define the message format.rpc SayHello (HelloRequest) returns (HelloReply);
= service definition- each message should have a
order identifier
, e.g.:message HelloReply { string message = 1; }
- to create new services we should register them individually on Startup
- disabling TLS and making gRPC server run over http (insercure) due to OS compatibility (macOS)
- call insecure (http) gRPC services AspNetCore 3.0 packages gRPC functionality for .NET Core 3.0 includes:
- Grpc.AspNetCore – An ASP.NET Core framework for hosting gRPC services. gRPC on ASP.NET Core integrates with standard ASP.NET Core features like logging, dependency injection (DI), authentication and authorization.
- Grpc.Net.Client – A gRPC client for .NET Core that builds upon the familiar HttpClient. The client uses new HTTP/2 functionality in .NET Core.
- Grpc.Net.ClientFactory – gRPC client integration with HttpClientFactory. The client factory allows gRPC clients to be centrally configured and injected into your app with DI.
- Grpc.AspNetCore
- Grpc.Net.Client, which contains the .NET Core client.
- Google.Protobuf, which contains protobuf message APIs for C#.
- Grpc.Tools, which contains C# tooling support for protobuf files. The tooling package isn't required at runtime, so the dependency is marked with PrivateAssets="All".
- gRPC status codes
- Kestrel gRPC configuration
- Kestrel endpoints configuration