A simple nagios plugin to monitor Couchbase 2.0 servers/cluster.
Ebru Akagündüz [email protected]
git clone https://github.com/YakindanEgitim/nagios-plugin-couchbase.git
Usage: couchbase.py [options]
-I Ip
-u Username
-p Password
-P Port
-b bucket name
-W warning
-C critical
--OPS Total amount of operations per second for specific bucket
--memory-used memory used
--disk-read Number of reads per second from disk for specific bucket
--item-count Number of unique active items
--CAS CAS per second for specific bucket
--del-per-second Number of delete operations per second for specific bucket
--low-watermark Low watermark
--high-watermark High watermark
--cbstat cbstats command path of couchbase (default /opt/couchbase/bin/cbstats)
--cache-miss-ratio Percentage of reads per second for specific bucket
--create-per-sec Number of new items created on disk per second for specific bucket
--update-per-sec Number of items updated on disk for specific bucket
--set-per-sec set operations per second for specific bucket
--disk-write-queue Number of items waiting to be written to disk in bucket
You can see how it works on web page. So you should visit "" adrres using username "testuser", password "password".
##LICENSE Nagios Plugin Couchbase is available under the GPLv3