!This project is on early stages of development and manufacturing! !It will get released in few months!
- controlled by ?rpi rev2?
- remote controlled through GSM
- low latency video stream
- full duplex communication
- TODO review
- create heroku account
- /etc/wvdial
- $ - messages generated by rc device. For example it might be waring about low GSM signal visible on your controling device like smartphone
- ! - commands sended to rc device. For example commands like: go forth, turn left etc or more complicated like "reset-video-stream"
- http://ws://...
- Dodac jako komende confirmowalna
sync; echo 3 | sudo tee /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
dd if=/dev/zero of=
/test.tmp bs=500K count=1024 dd if=/test.tmp of=/dev/null bs=500K count=1024 - KOmenda do testowania uploadu: iperf?
- add command which will cause error on rpi
- add stoping stream on server when last client disconnects
- add stoping stream to rpi if no commands were sent in x minutes
- initialize and destroy pins should be as methods to allow remote reseting
- zczytywanie menu przez interval # z uwagi na kulawosc na mobilkach
- lepsza obsluga gpio
- fix strzalek na anelu sterowania
- osobne menu na akcje rpi i pad
- separate common code as npm and then this current usage (localconf, handlers as separate repo)
- komenda restartowqania aplikacji
- strona ala startowka idlecollector
- komenda na przeladowanie sterownika
- odiltrowac: vv stderr: frame= 862 fps= 23 q=2.0 size= 3494kB time=34.36 bitrate= 833.1kbits/s
- eventy przez refleksje
- wss / ws
received < send # log @ broadcast
- make raspberry receive SRVPING
- fix screenfull
- default index.html
- opakowacze na heroku logs
- dodanie .localconf i zeby wszystkie komendy z niego braly
- add panel to turn of / reset vnc, turn off reset stream, reset rpi
- resetowanie informacji o porcie reloadPage
- index.html przerobic na refleksje
- zapisac tu wersje noda z raspberry
- in case of heroku server/port change it should get access date from some solid domain
- move in wvdial.conf -> add warn if it differs from system
- make it always use wvdial rrgvs
sudo modprobe -r bcm2835-v4l2 sudo modprobe bcm2835-v4l2 avconv -f video4linux2 -framerate 25 -video_size 320x200 -i /dev/video0 -f mpegts -codec:v mpeg1video -s 320x200 -b:v 1000k -bf 0
nalezy zainstalowac sobie: sudo apt-get install screen instrukcja odpalenia na rpi w screen: https://coderwall.com/p/quflrg/run-a-script-on-startup-in-a-detached-screen-on-a-raspberry-pi
- w zasadzie do: sudo vim /etc/rc.local
- dopisac: su - pi -c "screen -dm -S pistartup sudo bash /home/pi/Desktop/rc-rpi-gsm-video-stream/run-on-rpi.sh"
- i potem po starcie w: screen -x masz wszystko
heroku logs --tail git push heroku master
- list of methods should be dynamically getted from rpi (same with buttons / gpio)
- package for rotating proximity detector
- feature for taking photos (stop stream > take photo > start stream > upload too google)
- https://botland.com.pl/ultradzwiekowe-czujniki-odleglosci/2743-ultradzwiekowy-czujnik-odleglosci-us-015-2-400-cm.html
Intreseted in making cool project?
- ?