Just a small sampling of some of my latest code. Some parts may be truncated for privacy reasons or otherwise
CSV Import Controller
- for handling user csv import/exports- Custom class for generating
elements, such as text, checkboxes, textareas, etc Login controller
- this handles the login process- User logs in, and is sent a token to their email. They use this to log in
University Controller/Validator
- This handles the CRUD functions for a "University"
- This is part of a multi step registration form for users
- Data is saved to Firebase
- Users can save their progress/data to their own user account, and can log in later to complete and review this.
- is one of the many steps of this registration form- GraphQL query to a CMS to find out what form fields should be displayed on this step.
- Redacted (for confidentiality and propietary reasons) and slimmed down plugins/themes that demonstrate knowledge of Wordpress and general PHP coding concepts. These are not meant to work by themselves.
- Gutenberg plugin that creates a
block, with other components that support various attributes/functionality like background colors or adding images - sample theme, originally created from the sage theme, which demonstrates a typical CPT, clinic.
- As well as integration with Salesforce, to pull and sync data to the Wordpress site
- Views are located here
- Custom plugin that generates/draws a make up palette (for a cosmetics company) on a
layer. Which is based on the user's selections of desired colors/swatches. These colors are also implemented on the admin side, via custom fields, and are specific per each Woocommerce product. - The swatches are generated on this palette here
- Custom plugin that generates/draws a make up palette (for a cosmetics company) on a