ReactNative port for Yandex Mobile Ads SDK
npm install react-native-yandex-ads --save
oryarn add react-native-yandex-ads
- If React Native version <= 0.59:
react-native link react-native-yandex-ads
- iOS only
- if
npx pod-install
- if
don't exists:
Setup Yandex Mobile Ads SDK and placed frameworks at${PROJECT_DIR}/ios/Frameworks
import YandexAds from "react-native-yandex-ads"
YandexAds.showRewardedAd("R-M-DEMO-rewarded-client-side-rtb", "some-user-id")
YandexAds.addInterstitialEventListener((event) => console.log(event))
YandexAds.addRewardedEventListener((event) => console.log(event))
For comprehensive usage example see example/src/App.tsx
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