#Right-wing parties in Europe
This respository contains the code and data used for the pflichtlektuere project on right wing parteies in the EU member and applicant states. Read the articles here:
Pflichtlektüre - Karte: Die Rechten Europas
Pflichtlektüre - Thesentest: Rechte Parteien im Vergleich
The folder chord contains code and data for the chord diagram. The code was originally written by Nadieh Bremer. She wrote a detailed tutorial, it's available here on her blog, VisualCinnamon.
The folder jaccard contains code and data for the similarity analysis of the strongest right wing parties. The file jaccard.R contains the static version made with the ggplot2 R package, while jaccard_d3.R contains the interactive version made with the new d3heatmap package for R.
The folder map contains the data used for the interactive map. Since the map was made with the CartoDB web app, no additional code was used. You can see the final map here.